PostsCommentsbrujita18 in #hive-117341 • 6 hours agoÉchame el Cuento: ¿Qué es lo que te molesta de tu vecino? Es/ En)Español Volvemos mis queridos amigos a compartir con ustedes, como ya es costumbre en nuestra colbrujita18 in #hive-121744 • yesterdayCineTV Contest: La Niña de la Mochila Azul (En/ Es)Source/ Fuente EN In my childhood, from an early age, I grew up watching many old movies, also American, but ebrujita18 in #hive-168869 • 3 days agoweek #250/ All for a Smile...The first thing we must take into account to want to improve as a person is undoubtedly to want to do it and have the will to get down to work and start acting wibrujita18 in #hive-152524 • 6 days agoweek #108/ Meet Cafe Rocío Today I went out to run some personal errands and while browsing through avenues and stores in my city, I stumbled upon this café. At first, I was not sure if it wbrujita18 in #hive-179291 • 7 days agoPoema/ ¡Oh Amor Mío! (Es/ En)Fuente/ Sourcebrujita18 in #hive-132410 • 10 days agoHispaliterario #42/ Una Mujer de Fuego (Es/ En)Fuente/ Source ENGLISHbrujita18 in #hive-179291 • 15 days agoEntrada al Concurso de cartas de Literatos/ A la niña de mis OjosFuente A la Niña de mis Ojos : Tenía tiempo, que quería hacerte saber de manera másbrujita18 in #hive-168869 • 17 days agoWeek #248/ My Winning Formula Against AnxietyENGLISH There are several types of emotions, but to simplify them we are going to specify them between the positive and the negative ones. Among the latter,brujita18 in #hive-152524 • 19 days agoBack to Café El Venerable (En/ Es)Come with me to visit again the café El Venerable. I wbrujita18 in #hive-106316 • 20 days agoMemoir Monday #52/My Summer Days at 10 Years Old (En/ Es)Source/ Fuente ENGLISH By the time I was 10 years olbrujita18 in #hive-165757 • 22 days agoReflection/ Breaking Patterns (En/ Es)Source/ Fuentebrujita18 in #hive-178708 • 23 days ago Colonial/ Bolivarian Museum (En/ Es)Englishbrujita18 in #hive-121744 • 24 days ago CineTV Contest: Legends of the Fall (En/Es)Source/ Fuente Englishbrujita18 in #hive-131951 • 26 days agoCon Dominio Propio, Sigo Siendo Yo (Es/ En)ESPAÑOLbrujita18 in #hive-152524 • 27 days agoA Coffee Break at Cafe Constanza (En/ Es)ENGLISH My dear friends, on this occasion, I bring you a new discovery of a beautiful coffee shop called Constanza. I had already seen this cafe on one ofbrujita18 in #hive-168869 • 29 days agoWeek # 246/ The Holocaust Wouldn't Exist...I have always thought that if I had the power to change the course of history and I could go back to the past, I would like to go back to 1934, when Hitler proclabrujita18 in #hive-165757 • last monthLet's prioritize, moms! (En/ Es)Source/ Fuente En Today I come to talk to you about a tobrujita18 in #hive-108045 • last monthThe 3 Musketeers of Friendship (En/ Es)ESPAÑOL