brujita18 rebloggedecency-star in #hive-133311 • yesterday[Writing Contest] Finish the Tale. Story #7I can't stop being impressed by your talents! Your stories are my favorite readings these days! This week’s prompt might feel a bit similar to last week’s, but that’s for you to decide! Eitherbrujita18 in #hive-168869 • yesterdayweek #250/ All for a Smile...The first thing we must take into account to want to improve as a person is undoubtedly to want to do it and have the will to get down to work and start acting wibrujita18 rebloggedarchontribe in #hive-177956 • 4 days agoArchonTribe 181: News, Rewards, Contests, And Winners!Hello, everyone! 😎 The 181st weekly edition of ArchonTribe News is now available online. We have the latest news about Archon, contests, winners, and rewards from…brujita18 rebloggedmiriannalis in #hive-131951 • 7 days agoEstoy dispuesta a soltar la necesidad de... (Esp/Eng)Estoy dispuesta a soltar la necesidad de... (English version in the box)brujita18 in #hive-152524 • 4 days agoweek #108/ Meet Cafe Rocío Today I went out to run some personal errands and while browsing through avenues and stores in my city, I stumbled upon this café. At first, I was not sure if it wbrujita18 rebloggedcinnccf in #hive-152524 • 10 days agoThe Coffee Shop Prompt | Week 108: Mar 13 - 19Hey All Coffee Lovers, Welcome to week 108 of #TheCoffeeShopPrompt.brujita18 in #hive-179291 • 6 days agoPoema/ ¡Oh Amor Mío! (Es/ En)Fuente/ Sourcebrujita18 rebloggedecency-star in #hive-133311 • 7 days ago[Writing Contest] Finish the Tale. Story #6Which genre of books or movies do you like? I am just curious about what kind of story you will write for this week's prompt. The story starts... 👇 *"Youbrujita18 in #hive-132410 • 8 days agoHispaliterario #42/ Una Mujer de Fuego (Es/ En)Fuente/ Source ENGLISHbrujita18 in #hive-179291 • 13 days agoEntrada al Concurso de cartas de Literatos/ A la niña de mis OjosFuente A la Niña de mis Ojos : Tenía tiempo, que quería hacerte saber de manera másbrujita18 in #hive-168869 • 15 days agoWeek #248/ My Winning Formula Against AnxietyENGLISH There are several types of emotions, but to simplify them we are going to specify them between the positive and the negative ones. Among the latter,brujita18 in #hive-152524 • 17 days agoBack to Café El Venerable (En/ Es)Come with me to visit again the café El Venerable. I wbrujita18 in #hive-106316 • 18 days agoMemoir Monday #52/My Summer Days at 10 Years Old (En/ Es)Source/ Fuente ENGLISH By the time I was 10 years olbrujita18 in #hive-165757 • 20 days agoReflection/ Breaking Patterns (En/ Es)Source/ Fuentebrujita18 rebloggedannafenix in #hive-152524 • 22 days agoFEBRUARY MOMENTS WITH A COFFEEHello all coffee lovers, good morning, how are you spending this carnival break? Months come, months go, but the bestbrujita18 in #hive-178708 • 21 days ago Colonial/ Bolivarian Museum (En/ Es)Englishbrujita18 rebloggedecency-star in #hive-133311 • 22 days ago[Writing Contest] Story #3 Winners AnnouncementThe last winter round has ended. Again, you wrote fantastic stories that are worth publishing as abrujita18 in #hive-121744 • 22 days ago CineTV Contest: Legends of the Fall (En/Es)Source/ Fuente English