doriangel rebloggedvictor2356 in #hive-108539 • 14 days agoMy experience visiting Makro [ESP/ENG](Imagen hecha con el editor de canva) Made with canva editordoriangel rebloggedcharjaim in #hive-131951 • 20 days agoIniciativa 30/ Esa Vida Nuestra/ ¿Cuál fue el regalo más grande que te dieron tus padres?Saludos, amigos de la comunidad @holos-lotus. Esa Vida Nuestra se complace en presentar la Iniciativa №30 ¿Cuál fue el regalo más grande que te dieron tus padres?  Hello, Foodies from all over the world! Welcome to our curation report of posts published in the Foodies Bee Hive community and other codoriangel rebloggedmamaemigrante in #hive-163772 • last monthPedro González Telmo Parish: The House of Many Saints / Parroquia Pedro González Telmo: La casa de muchos santosMany years ago I had a couple of projects that I was never able to realize, one of them being to make documentaries about the churches of the towns in the interior of Venezuedoriangel rebloggedikigaidesign in #hive-110372 • last monthViviendo con Endometriosis: ¿Es posible? [ESP-ENG]Seguro muchas de ustedes, chicas, han padecido de este mal, sin saber que es, como se llama, de que se trata, incluso, no han tenido un diagnóstico como tal, así como yo.  Apple Vinegar (Part I)Greetings and happy week, dear vegan family! We are already ending January 2025, wow, how time flidoriangel rebloggedramisey in #hive-158694 • 2 months agoInfographic about Distriator/ Contest (Esp/Ing)Greetings, dear community, today I join the Infographic Contest proposed by @coldbeetrootsoup about Distriator. Through this initiative, the goal is to make users inside and outsiddoriangel rebloggedholos-lotus in #hive-131951 • 2 months agoPíldoras para combatir la Depresión // Depression PillsBendecido presente Hivers Iniciamos este año con una propuesta de idoriangel rebloggedemily22 in #hive-131951 • 2 months agoIniciativa: Cerrar ciclos para nuevos comienzos. Esp- Eng.Hola apreciada familia holos & lotos, encantada de dejar mi granito de arena adoriangel rebloggedlileisabel in #hive-178708 • 4 months agoTallapiedras Viaduct, a historical and architectural symbol of HavanaHello friends of Architecture+Design! I am going to tell you about a civil engineeringdoriangel rebloggedsirenahippie in #hive-120586 • 4 months ago(Eng / Spn) Special Plantain CakeHello everyone! Today I have returned to my beloved Foodies Bee Hive community with a simple, nutritdoriangel rebloggedyouhive in #hive-135183 • 6 months ago(Eng/Esp) First initiative: Your favourite YouTuber or YouTube channel!▶️ Watch on 3Speak ![Blue Purpledoriangel rebloggedmairene1 in #hive-108539 • 5 months agoLimpiador casero/ Homemade Cleaner (English Subtitles)▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hi friends, today I came herdoriangel rebloggedindipnash91 in #hive-178708 • 7 months agoRoyal shelter: a place with elegance [eng/spa]Would you like to visit an elegant place? Then you will enjoy, as much as I did, Real Shelter restaurant, located