PostsCommentsjoanstewart in #hive-194913 • 2 months agoDurban's Palputating Hot AirHeatwave Alert Next Round! Walk on tar you could fry an egg on, sand on beaches much the same, you move early morning or late afternoon, hide away in cooler surroundings most…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 2 months agoBirds In TreesTrees Are For Birds To Hide In Rustling through the leaves, often hear chattering deep within, smaller birds do know the trees are their kingdom. Hide from the heat, feast on…joanstewart in #hive-193816 • 2 months agoSpiritual ComfortingFleeting Nature In Time It's not morbid to consciously taking stock of the here and now, priorities, how to prepare for the years ahead, much has changed. Planning a course…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 3 months agoBrave HeartFamiliar Chat - When Small Does Not Shy Away Walking the garden last day of 2024, after midday this little bird watched me, watching it, stopping about five foot from where it…joanstewart in #hive-106316 • 3 months agoTumultuous 2024 Goodbye, Hello 2025 Gregorian CalendarReflect on the past humbly - Welcome the future with Enthusiasm Closing the door ending off what started as a positive year, swift change out of ones control leaves you…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 3 months agoSparrow And Woodpecker CallHouse Sparrow A Community When the days is hot with not a breath of wind this little Female House Sparrow sat quietly in a shaded tree watching me. The race P. d. indicus…joanstewart in #hive-106316 • 4 months agoVision Not Clouded By FearNo Straight Lines When Living During month of November I found time to update my Hive friends to the 14th, an update of what transpired over the following couple of weeks.…joanstewart in #hive-106316 • 4 months agoRearview MirrorWhen Snake Bite Turns Your Life Upside Down October 28th will not be a day to forget, currently putting up what has happened to update my friends in Hive, some I have made…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 5 months agoAngel On WingsGreat White Egret When we were growing up we had Chappies bubble gum wrapper to teach us the "Did You Know", how much fun our young enjoyed reading out the wrappers, our…joanstewart in #hive-106316 • 5 months agoFlummoxedWarner Beach Sapphire Coast Rant Confused, perplexed, flustered, call it whatever one wants, this world has gone crazy or I'm teetering on the edge between tears and anger.…joanstewart in #hive-193816 • 6 months agoSunshine - Week 175 #TTTWalking On Sunshine Waking up to glorious sunshine after a cold wet weekend what a wonderful start to Tuesday 1st October! Clear air, brisk breeze, happy to be alive.…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 6 months agoTit TimeWeeks Fly - Must Have Wings Hanging onto fringes of sanity, birds to the rescue, it must be Feathered Friday and yes a Tit popped into frame, a first for me not that twit never…joanstewart in #hive-193816 • 6 months agoTimeTime For 173rd Three Tune Tuesday Clouds floating above heavy with rain, time has come for our wet season, rejoice in sharing tunes and memories, like clouds times ever…joanstewart in #hive-194913 • 6 months agoFlabbergasted - A Sublime Sunday With Birds And FlowersLaugh Or Cry The show goes on, no time as I once did to follow Hive Fest, always enjoyed listening into event. Rising early working through days, weeks now months I'm…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 7 months agoLittle SparrowhawkFocusing On Small Raptor Little Sparrowhawk Accipiter minullus a tiny hawk that flies at speed, nimbly within woodland thickets and forests hunting small birds, vertebrates or insects. Sajoanstewart in #hive-106316 • 7 months agoBamboozledTricked or Deceived A word that does not turn up often lately, an awesome explanation in jargon regurgitated, leading to being bamboozled. Equalizer is a daily dose of…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 7 months agoWire PerchingThree Toes Forward One Toe Facing Back Not photography I particularly look out for is man made wires hanging around to me they are an eyesore, this week however I had to hone…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 7 months agoAfrica Alarm ClockHadeda-ibis Helter-skelter Hadeda (pronounced HAH-dee-dah, scientific name Bostrychia hagedash) is a large ibis, recognizable by its long beak and clumsy demeanor, is native to…joanstewart in #hive-155530 • 7 months agoAugust Winds Of ChangeSupermoon High Alert Cold Benuela and warm Agulhas Current surrounding the subcontinent of southern Africa has encountered a very strange winter. Western side of the country…joanstewart in #hive-106444 • 7 months agoExtraordinary OstrichBigger Can Be Better South African Black Ostrich (Struthio camelus domesticus) there are a few southern ostrich subspecies, more detailed here Ostriches South African…