No Straight Lines When Living
During month of November I found time to update my Hive friends to the 14th, an update of what transpired over the following couple of weeks.
Physio enabled assisted walking, some time off the bed, around the 18th. At this point we thought (you know what thought did) he would be able to be moved into the Frail Care Home by the weekend....
Slapped back into reality on 22nd with blood clot running around the leg, this now needed to be cleared before Urologist could do a thorough check on the waterworks.
That night still in ICU an attempted "great escape" once again, landed him in having an x-ray to check the noggin out for damage.
Due to confused state he kept pulling the catheter out, which needed to be replaced each time. This lead onto further visit with Urologist a week later in surgery to scrape the prostrate in an attempt to eventually allow him to cope with free-flow, not being bound to nappies or catheter for the rest of his life.
Surgical procedure took place on the 28th, by now we were not getting our hopes up as each time we thought it appeared to come back and bite us, much like the snake!
"Black Friday" released to go into Frail Care Home
Short notice! Surgical Ward Sister phoned at 10h30 to tell me he is discharged, "has to be out by midday, or will be charged another day". Flash Gordon (my son came back from his call out at high speed), racked stacked and packed the car with whatever I had packed previously for the home. Though crazy Black Friday traffic managed with a nurse to move him from wheelchair into the car.
By midday welcomed into new home to grow in strength with loving hands around to assist him back to full strength, this home is not far from where we live, within 3km. Two weeks to settle in before we will visit once again, rest, sunlight and new friends to live life to the full.
Two weeks off, no ways, nightmare continues. Not able to shave with blades, shopped around for wet/dry razor, no sandals with feet swelling not walking, we ran around buy footwear as he had no sandals only closed shoes. Shopping list of needs continues, popping in has become part of our week.
Dementia/Alzheimer is the devil is disguise, with cellphone attached firmly in his clutch, contact made with strange gobbledygook, odd sentences understandable, we are able to relate to where he is at. Also taken another tumble hitting his head once again.
Between fray of keeping home running, places one with other hidden tasks, a General Power Of Attorney written up which fortunately he was happy to sign being aware of the situation on Tuesday visit this week.
Neurologist has written a letter for Curator, in the new year this is the next step to pursue, with three on offer in South Africa it is the 'Curator Ad Personam' I would apply to the High Court for.
Spent time contacting our Insurance, I have transferred my sons as main drivers one to each vehicle, with crazy drivers on our roads I know when to hand over the keys, I will drive when I am more settled once again.
Husbands car left the garden permanently yesterday with my younger son and his wife, living slightly inland closer to where they are employed. Another load of documents to be completed in the new year, altering registered ownership making it legal for vehicle to become his permanently, as we had discussed prior the snake bite accident.
Out of the frying pan into the fire, I hope not! Forced to think on the go at all levels throughout life one carries on, with supportive sons, having discussed many issues prior this happening I know what I need to do, for once not second guessing myself.
Life takes many twists and turns, I simply hope my husband settles into the home, regains strength, looking exceptionally frail at the moment. Myself taking care of him is not a reality, having nurses live in or day/night not an option, this home only has a maximum of 12, with friendly staff who know what they are doing, which I would not!
After being together for 50 years plus it has been a massive adjustment, married 48 years ago we know each others flaws, not something I would spill anywhere, each of us come scarred and battered.
Only lesson to take away, respect nature, especially snakes and spiders, never be blasé as around the corner we really never know what twist arrives on life's path.
Slowly I will find time to be more present back here, for now it is simply a matter of touching base to let you know I miss my friends and acquaintances on Hive.
Happy December, travel safely, enjoy family and take love in your heart wherever you wander.
Thought for Today: "Any dead fish can flow down the river but it takes a live one to swim back up stream." - African Proverb