Heatwave Alert Next Round!
Walk on tar you could fry an egg on, sand on beaches much the same, you move early morning or late afternoon, hide away in cooler surroundings most of the daylight hours.
What makes Durban so uncomfortable, well today at 30°C with humidity feels like 35°C, nights not much better 26°C feels like 30 taking 30°C - 86° Fahrenheit. Joy of joys next week 35°C with feel like 40°C, some inland places passing the forty already although not having the extreme humidity it is hard to compare. Humans body core heat averagely ticks over at 34°C.
Bugger this heat let's get outdoors, see what is going on...,
Night-blooming cactus stand tall on long limbs, yet to see the flower open as venturing around the garden at night not really an option!
Macro of bloom showing signs of one night stand, ants enjoying the sweetness before sunset arrives.
Now I did mention the midday sun eats you, watch the birds finding comfort in the shade of a thick leaved succulent plant, I think a Mauritius hemp (Furcraea foetida) or similar species.
At first shy, sitting in deep shade on the wall about five foot away a Vervet monkey,
Second thoughts to hell with it, let it all hang out it's too bloody hot today!
Spiders deep nesting within the air-plants again well hidden from the midday son, event insects know how to build for comfort.
Confusion reigns above, clouds simply cannot make up their mind as to what direction to take the heat eats much up, we wait patiently for rain to quench all below.
Ruffled feathers to say the least, sizzling hot this little one appears to have taken to the bird pond then find a perch high enough looking to feel a breeze. Open them feather up, called natural air-conditioning.
If you like the heat, enjoy baking sun then Durban is the place for you, February being on average our hottest month of the year!
What else is happening in South Africa, well load-shedding is back (no electricity), water-shedding is ongoing, politicians spewing verbal crap adding more to the already over burdened law book with BEE, rats I wonder when ambling around when this will end!

All photography my own using Canon Powershot SX730 HS. Anything not properly identified please let me know in comments below. Now go out and have a wonderful day wherever you live in our wonderful world.
Thought for Today: "He who starts his work early enough is neither hit by the severe sun heat nor the burning sand." - African Proverb