Last week, me and my family had a small bonding together and we went to one of the famous department store here in the town. I went home to my hometown last weekend because I had no work in my company.
Every week, I'll plan to go bonding together with my family because we only see each other only two times a week. Well, before it was once a week and now it is twice a week because the company itself had to do something related to budgeting.
Anyway, before we went to this place, I asked my little family on where do we go this time around for the weekend and she didn't knew where to go just like me.
I remember that I forgot to bring the chamber pot to my hometown and my daughter told me that she needed a chamber pot whenever she likes to pee or to poo.
They had a chamber pot but it's an old chamber pot and when they will sit in the chamber pot, there are sharp around the chamber pot and my daughter cannot sit properly.
So, I told my wife that we could go to the department store to buy a chamber pot to our daughter and we went there in the afternoon. We went there by riding a motorcycle because it's a little bit hot from the heat of the sun.
As we arrived at the place, my daughter's face is happy and she is smiling. She saw hello kitty in front of the store and she was jumping while she is talking about the hello kitty.
We went directly to the store and there were many products that they were selling and some were old but there are new products that they sell. We asked to one of the staffs about where's the chamber pot is located and she said that it was on the third floor.
We went to the third floor but as we went there, there were new products that I haven't seen it before and I was shocked to see that there were some products that they are selling that I don't know about.
The shoes that they were selling were the ones that I am eyeing on the third floor, I was happy to see that they have shoes that are selling on the third floor and the price for each pair of shoes is not that pricey enough.
We roam around the third floor first and as we roam around, my wife were looking for something that is not chamber pot and she wants to buy it for our daughter.
As we go around the third floor, We, me and my family, saw the chamber pot on the third floor and there are many choices that we choose from the chamber pot. We were struggling on which chamber pot does my daughter like but in the end, my wife choose the chamber pot for my daughter.
My daughter's face is happy seeing that she have a chamber pot now and she is the one who is bringing the chamber pot because she likes to bring it to the counter.
I was happy to see that we had this kind of bonding together with my little family and while seeing them happy roaming around the store and my daughter also enjoys walking around it because there were some toys that she saw and other products from the place.
Note: The first photo was edited in Canva