Juanito iba con su mamá y su tía a visitar el cementerio, a visitar la tumba de su primito que había muerto recientemente... por ser el Día de los Muertos o de los Difuntos. Ese día muchas personas acostumbran a visitar a sus familiares, amigos que ya están en otro plano, llevándole flores, velas u objetos personales...
Juanito iba brincando entre las tumbas, , mientras los adultos, limpiaban la tumba o quizá recitaban alguna oración. Llegó un momento en que su atención se fue directamente hacia un carrito, que estaba en una de las tumbas cercanas a la de su primo, que estaba en completa soledad.
Le gustó el carro, y lo guardó en el bolsillo, pensó que nadie lo extrañaria. Se fueron del cementerio y en casa, Juanito jugó con el carrito hasta quedarse dormido; entre sueños empezó a ver a un niño muy pálido que le extendía las manos pidiéndole algo y mientras lo hacía, su cara se iba distorsionando horriblemente y le gritaba "devuélveme mi carro".
Siempre se despertaba gritando en medio de las noches con el mismo sueño recurrente. Hasta que un día, su madre, en medio de la angustia, se percató de aquel carro que sabía que no era de su hijo y le preguntó de su procedencia, entonces Juanito, algo temeroso, le confesó que se lo había traído del cementerio...
Allí, su madre, supo de la procedencia de aquellas pesadillas. Así es que a la mañana siguiente, ambos fueron al cementerio y Juanito le indicó a su madre, la tumba de donde había tomado, eso que no era suyo. Su madre hizo que colocara el carrito donde estaba y ambos rezaron una plegaria, pidiendo disculpas a aquel pequeño difunto, quedándoles claro que las cosas de los muertos no se toman, ni se tocan.
¡Hola mis queridos amigos! un placer saludarles; llegue acá de la mano de mi amigo @germanandradeg. Esta es mi participación en el Extraño Concurso Especial del Día de los Muertos- Invito a mis amigas @annafenix y @popurri.
Juanito went with his mother and aunt to visit the cemetery, to visit the grave of his little cousin who had recently died... because it was the Day of the Dead or All Souls' Day. On that day many people used to visit their relatives, friends who are already in another plane, bringing flowers, candles or personal objects...
Juanito was jumping between the graves, while the adults were cleaning the grave or perhaps reciting a prayer. At one point his attention went directly to a cart, which was in one of the graves near his cousin's grave, which was in complete solitude.
He liked the cart, and put it in his pocket, he thought no one would miss it. They left the cemetery and at home, Juanito played with the cart until he fell asleep; between dreams he began to see a very pale boy who stretched out his hands asking him for something and as he did so, his face became horribly distorted and he shouted “give me back my cart”.
He would always wake up screaming in the middle of the night with the same recurring dream. Until one day, his mother, in the midst of anguish, noticed that car that she knew was not her son's and asked him where it came from, then Juanito, somewhat fearful, confessed to her that he had brought it from the cemetery....
There, his mother learned the origin of those nightmares. So the next morning, they both went to the cemetery and Juanito pointed out to his mother the grave from where he had taken that which was not his. His mother made him place the cart where it was and they both said a prayer, apologizing to the little deceased, making it clear to them that the things of the dead are not to be taken or touched.
Hello my dear friends! a pleasure to greet you; I arrived here by the hand of my friend @germanandradeg. This is my participation in the Strange Day of the Dead Special Contest- I invite my friends @annafenix and @popurri.

Traductor/Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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