germanandradeg rebloggedholos-lotus in #hive-131951 • 2 months agoFilms que inspiran 2da edición // Films that inspire 2nd edition Bendecido presente Hivers A propósito de la celebración del Día Mundial del Cine, queremosgermanandradeg in #hive-199275 • last monthMirage [También en Español]This post is both in English and Spanish, puedes ir directamente al español dando click AQUIgermanandradeg in #hive-131951 • last monthQué Varilla Más Buena: Harrison, Pink Floyd y yo [Also in English] This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to English by clicking HERE Qué Vargermanandradeg in #hive-131951 • 2 months agoFragmentos de un Jarrón Roto [Also in English] This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to English by clicking HERE Fragmegermanandradeg in #hive-117341 • 4 months agoÉchame el Cuento: Errores y SabiduríaCuando leí el título de la iniciativa presentada por esta maravillosa comunidad que, tanto quiero, caí como en un estado catatóngermanandradeg in #hive-164241 • 5 months agoNunca Fue Una Casualidad [Also in English] This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to English by clicking HEREgermanandradeg in #hive-179017 • last yearEntry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh 308 - Love Crystals [eng - esp]A pair of lovers in a carnival is in the square surrounded by hustle and bustle. He, with his sky mask, asks her to