It's been a long time since we went to this grocery store again and I think it was last year that we went to this grocery store and last week, we went here because we want to go around the place and another bonding with my family.
It's not that hard to go here since we were walking just around the corner from this place and we decided on going here even though we don't have any plan on buying groceries at this time.
We just looove to went here out of curiosity again and going here makes me reminisce the past on how we often go here maybe one or twice a month. That time, while going inside, my daughter loves to ride on the shopping cart and she want to have a big shopping cart so that she can ride it.
At that time, we only get the small basket because we don't have any plans on buying many groceries but our daughter wants to ride on the shopping cart and we have no choice but to use the shopping for our daughter to ride on it.
We went around and around the grocery store and looking for anything that we think that we can eat and we can bring to our house. It's another fun day together with my little family.
While we were in the grocery store, there is a mannequin in front of the other groceries and our daughter is afraid and scared of them. I don't know what's the history that she doesn't like mannequin but whenever we will passed through a mannequin, she will not look at the mannequins. Instead, she will divert her head and eyes to other things.
We try to understand our daughter by talking to her that these mannequins are not real and they will not harm her but when we went near to these mannequins, she will start to cry because she doesn't want to go near it nor see it.
We sometimes smiles at her because she is afraid of it and we told her many times that it's not that harmful but she wouldn't listen. Anyway, I think she is just like me that there are times, when I was still a kid, that I afraid of some things. Like the beard of the adult and I would close my eyes if that bearded person will go near to my face and I would cry out loud.
After that, we continue on roaming around the grocery and wandering through the place. While wandering, there were a couple of items that we put into our shopping cart and there were some items that are one sale which gives me a lot of discounts.
We enjoyed our small grocery together with my little family and I am looking forward to have another grocery with them because it's really fun to have more quality time with them.
Note: The first photo was edited in Canva