sisjane in #hive-182074 • yesterdayForgiveness Of Sin. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.There is forgiveness of sin for everyone who confesses his sins. The Bible says that if we confess our sins that God is faithful and just to forgive us our trespasses. So, we…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 2 days agoThe True Disciples Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.We are His disciples if we do what He commands us. We are not His disciples if we are not doing what He commands us. If we neglect His commandments then we are not His disciples.…sisjane rebloggedolgavita in #hive-179017 • 8 days agoReflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 211 🎺 Announcement 🎺!Round 210 is now closed . Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. WELCOME, DEAR FRIENDS, TO THE REFLECTION HUNTERS CONTEST - Round 211 📸…sisjane rebloggedidea-make-rich in #hive-179017 • 7 days ago👉 Guess The Shadow Contest - Round 38Namaste🙏, Shadow Hunters family! 🎺 Announcement 🎺! Guess The Shadow Contest Round-37 is now closed. **Winners wsisjane rebloggedmelinda010100 in #hive-179017 • 3 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 366Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 365 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞…sisjane in #hive-179017 • 2 days agoBeautifully Roasted Fish. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 366Hello friends, happy weekend.😊 We are at it again. We are enjoying what we always love doing. And what do you think that is? It is our shadow hunting adventure. Honestly…sisjane rebloggedchristybliss in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoHearing From The Word Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.One of the benefits of constantly reviewing the teachings of Bro Eli Soriano on the platform and in the MCGI Cares Hive Community is that it offers me the privilege of…sisjane rebloggedbisolamih in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoObedience To God’s Will Pt2/2 ~ MCGI Topic Review.As long as we are alive, our life means that God has given all of us an opportunity or an opportuned time to learn his will before we all die. I feel that’s why some wicked…sisjane rebloggedabojode in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoThe Proper Way To Pray In The Bible || MCGI Topic Review. There is nothing God cannot do. Truly, those things seem hard for us but not for God. He can surely do what we want him to do with one way of prayer and that is praying in…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 3 days agoIs God Not Punishing Those Misinterpreting The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.There is no offense or sin which God will not punish. There is no way that we will escape the judgement of God if we keep continuing in sin. This is why there is a continuous…sisjane rebloggedmfontom in #hive-182074 • 4 days agoNot Praying Alone. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.We are not to follow God foolishly. We should obey the wisdom of God. We should remember that our God has given us instructions on what we should do to have a good life. The…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 4 days agoWhy Do The Well Educated People Not Understand The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.The Bible is the document given to us by God. Religion is the way we learn about God. It shows us how to come close to God. The ways of God are explained and highlighted in the…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 5 days agoObeying The Will Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW Everyone of us must seek to know what is the will of God for our lives. The will of God is declared by God in his Word. The word of God tells us what is the mind of God. Just…sisjane in #hive-179017 • 5 days agoGet Some Lubrication. Shadows Hunters SMASh Contest Round 365If yosisjane in #hive-182074 • 5 days agoBeing A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.We are His disciples if we do what He commands us. That is what our Lord Jesus Christ told us. He said that all those who called him Lord, Lord will enter His kingdom. In…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 6 days agoStaying Healthy According To The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.At the beginning, sickness was not part of us. God did not plan that we should be sick and infirmed. We were blessed with a healthy body. God wants us to live in good health.…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 8 days agoThe Proper Way To Pray. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Good day, brethren. May the Lord help us to listen to His doctrines and also obey them. It is good that we should pray according to what the Bible teaches us. We should allow…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 8 days agoStaying Healthy 4. MCGI TOPIC REVIEWWe should learn to live in good health. We are given the instructions in the Bible on how we should live our lives. The Bible teaches us everything that we need to know as we…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 9 days agoStaying Healthy According To The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.Staying Healthy is God's will for us. He wants us to be healthy. He says in His Word that He wishes above all things that we should be healthy. Good health is what we were…sisjane in #hive-182074 • 10 days agoWe Are Existing For The Purpose Of God. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.God is our Creator. Because he is our Creator, we are existing for the purpose of God. It is because of His purpose that we were created. We would not have been created if God…