koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-194913 • 4 days agoAlways Look DownThe other day I wrote a snap with the following photo: I wrote in the snap that whenever I enter a room with tatami, I feel compelled to take a similar photo. It'koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-140084 • 13 days agoEight Hours of Sleep I'm sure most of us are familiar with the idea that eight hours of sleep is optimal. The latest scientific research seems to support this idea, with some researchers even going…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-126152 • 2 months agoIf You Meet the Buddha, Kill the BuddhaRecently two news stories have caught my eye. The first was that Andrew Huberman, super popular with fitness and personal development bros, is kind of an assholkoto-art rebloggedmelinda010100 in #hive-14396 • 2 months agoLake ice formations Lighthouse Beach in Evanston Illinois has some incredible ice formations right now along the Lake Michigan shoreline. My daughter-in-law braved the bitter cold temperatures to…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-161465 • 4 months agoSplit Attention in Parenthood ~ Original HaikuThe things they don't tell you about being a parent... they call to me: "papa, look here" "no, papa, look here" ![][Haiku Photo] Playing with Ball by Kiyohara Hitoshi…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-193212 • 4 months agoThe Day Names, part II - Japanese DaysThe other day I posted about the origins of the names of the days of the week in English and why we have seven day weeks. If you missed it, [go read thatkoto-art rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-196708 • 4 months agoCapturing Their Cutest Moment in the Camera: Adorable Kitties and Their Cute Sleeping PositionWhen I'm taking our cat's photo, I have to be really fast because once they notice me, they will immediately change their position as if they are getting shy. Especially if they…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-161465 • 5 months agoLittle Demons ~ Original Haiku Looking at the event calendar, I see that a certain day is coming... in this country too the little demons are preparing ![][Haiku Photo] Created with ChatGPT…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-161465 • 6 months agoDancing Leaves ~ Original Haiku I was enjoying outside the other day, when a chance encounter with nature happened. I recorded it: watching the leaves blow in the wind 葉が風に舞うのを見ている ha ga kaze ni mau no…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-140084 • 7 months agoThe Legend of the Moon RabbitYesterday I posted about September events in Japan. In that post I mentioned about the rabbit on the moon. Let's talk a bit about that today. The myth goes sokoto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-109288 • 7 months agoHotei and the Meaning of LifeOne day Hotei came into town. Hotei, known as Budai in China, was a fat Zen monk who always had a smile on his face. In the West he is often referred to as "The Laughing Buddha"…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-161465 • 7 months agoSummer or Autumn, Which is Which ~ Original HaikuSummer is over? Or is it? The calendar and our senses disagree. is summer ending? the heat says otherwise but autumn has started 夏や果まだ熱いが秋初め natsu ya hate mada atsui…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-193212 • 8 months agoParking, Japan-StyleHow do you park your car in your country? I recently was hired to teach an American family moving here from Texas. They are still in Texas so we are doing it online, which is…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-161465 • 9 months agoSmells and Memories ~ Original HaikuMemory is the strangest thing sometimes... as I leave the building a smell drifts by—suddenly I'm six again the memories ![][Haiku Photo] Memories ![][divider] I've…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-193212 • 9 months agoThe Early Japanese, part IISome time ago I wrote a post about two early Japanese tribes that came to the country at two different times, how these two groups are more or less considered the ancestors of…koto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-193212 • 9 months agoBob Ross and ShibasakiI'm sure almost everyone reading this knows the name Bob Ross. He was relatively famous when I was a kid. That fame faded after his death, but then just a few years ago YouTukoto-art rebloggeddbooster in #hive-161465 • 9 months agoHoles and Poverty ~ Haiku of JapanLike most haiku poets back in the day, Issa didn't have a lot of money. Then, as now, art didn't pay so well. Issa usually embraced his poverty with humor, as he is doing here.…