Be mindful of what goes into your body system.

in Hive Learnerslast year


There is no gainsaying in the fact that health is wealth. Many overlook the significance of living a life free of frequent illnesses. Once someone is sick, every mission and vision are put on hold. The concentration would be on how to take care of the body and get healed. This is a good reason for one not to joke with his or her health. Whatever it is that would enhance your wellbeing should be prioritized.

There are many tips that help to improve one's general well-being. I am not the kind of person that visits hospitals often. There is a habit that jeopardizes one's health overtime. It does the destruction gradually while the victim takes it as having fun or pleasure.

The habits of drinking alcohol, sugary liquids and smoking are very injurious to our health but since the injury done by them is gradual, people overlook their effects as inconsequential.

I was once a victim of these habits. In fact, I am still battling with one now which is to put a stoppage to taking excess sugar.

I started smoking as a teenager and I went on to do it for sixteen years before I was able to defeat what was becoming an addiction. Through those years, I received several warnings from friends and loved ones. Each time they showed me a global data of how tobacco is responsible for a certain percentage of death, I would counter the statistics by pointing to one or two septuagenarian or octogenarians that have been smoking for decades without dying as a result.

I lived in denial.

Each time I picked a pack of cigarettes and I saw the inscription, "smokers are liable to die young," I would just discard the statement as inconsequential whereas it is, in the actual sense of it.

After sixteen years of living in denial while I was being killed slowly, I defeated the urge and quit the habit. I wouldn't have mentioned this experience if I didn't observe a significant change in the quality of my health. Like I said before, I never fell sick due to the effects of smoking. However, when I quitted, the quality of my respiratory system improved.

Prior to that time, I used to be exhausted quickly while doing exercises. I remember getting tired and breathing fast after jogging for just a kilometer. Presently, I can jog for kilometers without getting exhausted.

Some people are still living in such denial today. They think that since no sickness is weighing them down, the hullabaloo about their habits is an exaggeration. Unfortunately, smoking, according to research and available data, causes lung disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer and many more. It's unwise to put oneself at risk of contracting any of these diseases in the name of pleasure.

Taking alcohol excessively can have its own negative effects on the body too. Alcohol can lead to mouth decay, lung dysfunction, muscle atrophy, liver damage and many more. We may not know how expensive these organs are until one is in need of one. Whatever action that poses a risk to these organs should be done away with.

Recently, my friend who is a medical doctor kept encouraging me to stop taking sugar or any sugary liquid like soft drinks and the likes. He opened his fridge for me and the contents were bottled water. No other liquid in the fridge. I was surprised.

According to him, the liquid that the body needs is water. Drinking enough of water performs many functions and it's a preventive measures against many challenges. I have reduced the level of my sugar intake but my ultimate goal is to quit totally.

My conclusion is that the health tip that I have for everyone reading this is to be intentional about the quality of what passes through your mouth into your system. If it is pleasurable to you but injurious to the body system, quit. This cuts across everything including food.

Make sure that your body is gaining from what you are giving to it and not the other way round.


Just like your doctor, my liquid intake is just water. Water is life and nothing can be healthier than it.

Talking about taking alcohol, yesterday I was at a neighbor's birthday ceremony and of course there was beer there and malt drinks. When I was offered one I said I'd prefer water to any of them. The guy serving asked me why I don't take any of that and I said they aren't good for the health. You should have seen the way they all laughed at me and engaged me in a talk on the benefits of taking beer.

The celebrant said it helps to calm the nerves and relaxes the brain after the day's stress.

I didn't bother replying them any further because nothing can make them stop.


The celebrant said it helps to calm the nerves and relaxes the brain after the day's stress.

This got me laughing. This is purely a mindset thing. Water can play this role if one believes it will. I used this line to justify my actions too when I was a consumer, 😂.

I didn't bother replying them any further because nothing can make them stop.

You did the best thing. No one can be convinced otherwise in that situation. You saved yourself the futile venture.

That was a habit that most people who practices it find it difficult to stop ,but in your case, you fought it and put an end to smoking , thus experiencing an enhanced health condition. Being mindful of what goes into our body system is important. The effect of cigarettes and excessive alcohol are so terrible and I hope humans can be intentional about what they consume. Water remains the safe liquid and I must commend that your friend for such discipline to stick with water only

@sagarkothari88 vote

The effect of cigarettes and excessive alcohol are so terrible

I do wonder the rationale behind those that that produce alcohol and cigarettes. Why producing something that reduces the quality of life of the people? But then, I remember those that produces medicines and render healthcare service. It's a case of coffin producer praying for sales. Someone would die somewhere before his prayer is answered.

Sure, we have to be mindful of what we take into our body. Sometimes we take things due to peer pressure or addiction.
I’m happy for you since you quit. It’s not a easy decision to make but it will help you live longer.
Kudos bro

That's one of the major factors; effects of peer pressure. You want to feel among. I don't want to be an outcast. It wasn't an easy battle. I would live for months and found myself back in it again. Thank God that I have finally defeated the urge after years of abstinence.
Thank you for stopping by.

You’re welcome
And you’re doing great
Keep it up

Whatever it is that would enhance your wellbeing should be prioritized.

It is one reason I don't joke with eating good meal. My sister would say enjoy your life and don't withhold yourself from eating nice food.

Two years ago when I checked my blood sugar level and saw the condition I was in which was pre-diabetes, no one cautioned me to stop taking sugar or any sugary substance. Till now, I don't eat sugar or drink minerals because I am so mindful of my health and I am doing fine. Some people would be shocked when I tell them I don't take sugar and would be like, "how do you do it?" It's something I trained myself with because, to be frank with you, it was difficult for someone who would take over 3 spoons of sugar on a small quantity of garri, tea and others.

I started smoking as a teenager and I went on to do it for sixteen years before I was able to defeat what was becoming an addiction.

I can understand how hard it was for you to put a stop to something that has gotten deep into your body system because 16yrs isn't small years.

Those who still drinks and smokes would think nothing can or is happening to them because they aren't feeling sick or experiencing any strange effect but to be sincere, those diseases are eating and piling up in the system and the day they will experience a big attack on them, it would have been too late. Money they ought to enjoy their lives with would now be one they would keep spending on themselves to regain a good health.

A day that a medical professional analyzed the effects of sugar on the body, it is in place to tag excessive consumption of it as poison. I have reduced the intake to close to zero. I hope to quit totally.

You've really done well by doing away with sugar. It is a great decision for one's well being.

The addiction of drinking and smoking is very catastrophic. There is a way those things restructure the system in such a way that the normal body processes depend on them. For instance, at the peak of my smoking days, my meal wouldn't be complete if I don't take a stick of cigarette after a meal. It aided my digestion. That was when I knew that addiction is real. Any day that I ate food without smoking immediately, it would be as if the food was lacking ingredients.

It is good to do away with them for the good of oneself.

Thank you for stopping by @princessbusayo

Addiction is real, it is the one who has been in the shoe that can explain better. Though we have the good and bad addictions. At least doing away and trying to quit the bad ones is for our total wellbeing and healthy living.

I want to be addicted to making money, 😂 😂

Yes, who doesn't? 😆😆 we all love money but at the same time, we should be careful.

I popped in here through #dreemport

I want to commend you for being able to quit smoking. Some of my friends are still battling with it.
I hope We all can be very cautious of our health.
This post is really educating

The addiction isn't easy. They should keep trying. If I could quit, then anyone can. There is no alternative to good and healthy living.


When I was in school, my advertising lecturer used to have a hardtime believing the fact that most people that smokes sees the indication that "smoker are liable to die young" and yet they still continue to smoke. He used to say anyone that develops health challenges that eventually lead to their demise can't be labelled as dying a natural death but suicide because he/she was aware of its consequences and still continued to do it.

I'm really glad you quit because not many has that will power to confront their addiction.

The funny aspect of those that consume alcohol is that, it is not because most of them liked it but due to the fact that others are drinking it. The most annoying part is when I see young people mix different brand of alcohol together in the name of having fun. This is mostly common among the youths, that is why a lot of them come up with all kind of organ failure which eventually leads to their untimely death.

"smoker are liable to die young"

Honestly, seeing this inscription and going ahead to smoke what is inside the pack is the greatest form of self denial. The harm being done is slowly and steady.

I saw a picture that compared the 🫁 of a smoker and that of someone who doesn't smoke and I was scared that day. But guess what, I ended up smoking a few minutes later. Addiction is real and bad.

As for drinking, the majority of the youths are damaging their livers and other vital organs with such a reckless drinking habit.