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RE: Be mindful of what goes into your body system.

Whatever it is that would enhance your wellbeing should be prioritized.

It is one reason I don't joke with eating good meal. My sister would say enjoy your life and don't withhold yourself from eating nice food.

Two years ago when I checked my blood sugar level and saw the condition I was in which was pre-diabetes, no one cautioned me to stop taking sugar or any sugary substance. Till now, I don't eat sugar or drink minerals because I am so mindful of my health and I am doing fine. Some people would be shocked when I tell them I don't take sugar and would be like, "how do you do it?" It's something I trained myself with because, to be frank with you, it was difficult for someone who would take over 3 spoons of sugar on a small quantity of garri, tea and others.

I started smoking as a teenager and I went on to do it for sixteen years before I was able to defeat what was becoming an addiction.

I can understand how hard it was for you to put a stop to something that has gotten deep into your body system because 16yrs isn't small years.

Those who still drinks and smokes would think nothing can or is happening to them because they aren't feeling sick or experiencing any strange effect but to be sincere, those diseases are eating and piling up in the system and the day they will experience a big attack on them, it would have been too late. Money they ought to enjoy their lives with would now be one they would keep spending on themselves to regain a good health.


A day that a medical professional analyzed the effects of sugar on the body, it is in place to tag excessive consumption of it as poison. I have reduced the intake to close to zero. I hope to quit totally.

You've really done well by doing away with sugar. It is a great decision for one's well being.

The addiction of drinking and smoking is very catastrophic. There is a way those things restructure the system in such a way that the normal body processes depend on them. For instance, at the peak of my smoking days, my meal wouldn't be complete if I don't take a stick of cigarette after a meal. It aided my digestion. That was when I knew that addiction is real. Any day that I ate food without smoking immediately, it would be as if the food was lacking ingredients.

It is good to do away with them for the good of oneself.

Thank you for stopping by @princessbusayo

Addiction is real, it is the one who has been in the shoe that can explain better. Though we have the good and bad addictions. At least doing away and trying to quit the bad ones is for our total wellbeing and healthy living.

I want to be addicted to making money, 😂 😂

Yes, who doesn't? 😆😆 we all love money but at the same time, we should be careful.

I popped in here through #dreemport