lightpen in #hive-170798 • 22 days agoUndying loveI barely closed my door after seeing off my friend, John, who had come to talk to me about reconciling with my estranged wife, whlightpen in #hive-170798 • 2 months agoCollaborative theft.Image generated from Meta AI There was a case of missing money in Sandra's office, and the entire staff of the accounting departlightpen in #hive-153850 • 2 months agoCritical thinking is vitalImage generated from Meta AI Technology in education has come a long way. Over the past decades, there have been many transitionlightpen in #hive-153850 • 2 months agoAccess to social media handles by employersImage generated from Meta AIlightpen in #hive-153850 • 2 months agoI say no to gamblingImage generated from Meta AI Gambling is a silent destroyer. Addiction to it has done more harm to a lot of people than any goodlightpen in #hive-153850 • 2 months agoAt the face of hungerImage generated from Meta AI The law is enacted to guide human endeavors. There is a popular saying that a community without lawlightpen in #hive-170798 • 2 months agoThe love of dadImage generated from Meta AI During my high school education, I was one of the best students in mathematics. I found it easier tlightpen in #hive-153850 • 2 months agoEveryone should be held for who he/she is. Image generated from Meta AI This prompt coincides with a trending discussion in my state, Kogi, about a new policy from the golightpen in #hive-170798 • 3 months agoFather's protectionImage generated from Meta AI For about two days, my body temperature was high. It was resisting all medications administered. Itlightpen in #hive-153850 • 3 months agoAlmost overImage generated from Meta AI The New Year is just a few hours away, which implies that the holiday is almost over. This year's felightpen in #hive-170798 • 3 months agoChange of mindsetImage generated from Meta AI "You are not a commodity to be possessed. When considering a life partner, don't allow money or weallightpen in #hive-153850 • 3 months ago2024; UnforgettableImage generated Meta AI The year 2024 is almost over. A lot of experiences garnered during the year. I recorded some achievementlightpen in #hive-153850 • 3 months agoBeing prudent in spendingImage generated from Meta AI It is very easy to be carried away during this season. This usually results in spending more than olightpen in #hive-153850 • 3 months agoCelebrating the love of the momentSource Christmas is a period thalightpen in #hive-170798 • 3 months agoThe battle was wonImage generated from Meta AI It was late in the evening when Musa stepped out to purchase airtime from a nearby kiosk. His arrivlightpen in #hive-153850 • 3 months agoTesting medical innovations on animals: my take.Image generated from Meta AI I wish there is an alternative, but as it stands, there is none. The relationship between humans anlightpen in #hive-153850 • 4 months agoThe holiday is for my familyImage generated from Meta AI I have fond memories of Christmas and New Year holidays. When I was growing up with my parents, welightpen in #hive-170798 • 4 months agoMy boss's secret gift for my momImage generated from Meta AI Sitting beside my mom on her hospital bed were my dad and me. The clock is ticking, and we are hopelightpen in #hive-153850 • 4 months agoIt cost me a job offer.Image generated from Meta AI It is in human nature to forget information previously held in the brain. It is easy to forget infolightpen in #hive-153850 • 4 months agoA work of art - Must it pass a message?Image generated from Meta AI The way I receive a work of art is dependent on my psychological state. Works of art, such as songs