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RE: Be mindful of what goes into your body system.

in Hive Learnerslast year

When I was in school, my advertising lecturer used to have a hardtime believing the fact that most people that smokes sees the indication that "smoker are liable to die young" and yet they still continue to smoke. He used to say anyone that develops health challenges that eventually lead to their demise can't be labelled as dying a natural death but suicide because he/she was aware of its consequences and still continued to do it.

I'm really glad you quit because not many has that will power to confront their addiction.

The funny aspect of those that consume alcohol is that, it is not because most of them liked it but due to the fact that others are drinking it. The most annoying part is when I see young people mix different brand of alcohol together in the name of having fun. This is mostly common among the youths, that is why a lot of them come up with all kind of organ failure which eventually leads to their untimely death.


"smoker are liable to die young"

Honestly, seeing this inscription and going ahead to smoke what is inside the pack is the greatest form of self denial. The harm being done is slowly and steady.

I saw a picture that compared the 🫁 of a smoker and that of someone who doesn't smoke and I was scared that day. But guess what, I ended up smoking a few minutes later. Addiction is real and bad.

As for drinking, the majority of the youths are damaging their livers and other vital organs with such a reckless drinking habit.