Let's share some thoughts on work life.
We all work to sustain our lives. This is something that cannot be compromised. However there are certain things that we need to take care of with our professional life.
I am a doctor by profession, a new one. I must tell you that we have to strike a constant balance between our personal life and professional life. These two domains cannot overlap for the betterment of our mental health. If I am too much involved in the affairs of my personal life and allow it to meddle in my work life, I will not do any good to my career.
In the same way, we have to keep our professional life aside so that the relationships that we dearly hold close to us will be affected in more than one ways.
I have also noticed that it is very important for our work to contribute to our growth. It does not have to stop or stumble upon our journey of personal growth. Some professions hold us from communicating while the others push us to have more conversations. I see my profession as a valuable key to my own personal growth.
Friends, society is a very crucial factor here. I live in Pakistan and I have seen people treating others on the basis of their professions. My profession is a privileged one honestly because people treat me with respect here and their tones are very polite.
This, however, should not be the key determinant in the career choice that we make because at the end it is we ourselves that have to inherently do that job and not the society.
Thanks guys for reading. How satisfied are you with your current job? I am pretty satisfied with my job. I have taken the pictures myself. Take care.