nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156509 • 2 days ago"Stone Man" series of paintings/Серія картин "Людина-камінь"Hello everyone. Today I am publishing paintings that were hung on the walls of the medical institution where I went to see a doctor. Previously, there were also paintings there.…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 7 days agoНа вихідні ми йдемо в Кідландію Привіт усім. Щойно я прочитала спогади людей про життя в дев'яностих роках в Україні. Я пам'ятаю те життя. Моїм батькам було дуже важко, особливо мамі. Але мама щотижня в неділю водила мене в парк кулnadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 9 days agoLunar eclipse during the full moon./Місячне затемнення в повний місяць. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. I have been waiting for this day for a long time to watch the lunar eclipse. In my country, in the morning, the moon should have been visible in yellow-red colors. Yesterday evening, anadin-zakrevska in #hive-165469 • 13 days agoКнижковий аромат./Book scent. (En/Ua)Привіт усім. Наше життя летить невпинно. Розвиваються все нові і нові технології, штучний інтелект, роботи можуть виконувати багато завдань. Наш мозок постійно переробляє велику…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 23 days agoThoughts about thoughts. / Думки про думки. (En/Ua)Today have a new story from my interesting life. I continue to work with a child with special educational needs. He grows and develops at his own pace. I see these changes, help him, I explain to himnadin-zakrevska in #hive-179017 • 24 days agoThe shadow of the school gate./Тінь шкільної брами. (En/Ua)Hello enadin-zakrevska rebloggedrosanna-brava in #hive-134022 • last monthPublic Museum in Bassano del Grapp / Громадський музей в Бассано дель Граппа ( En / Ua )Hi everyone! A wonderful Saturday day prompted me to go to Bassano del Grapp. I was intended to visit a public museum that my daughter #nadinzakrevska told me. When she stayed…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • last monthHow do I love myself to survive./Любити себе, щоб вижити. (En/UA)Hello everyone. Today's story is dedicated to Valentine's Day. It's very beautiful when young people in love declare their love on this day. Indeed, in today's world chaos, I really want to feel a dronadin-zakrevska in #hive-184784 • last monthDrawings at the tram stop./Малюнки на зупинці трамваю.(En/Ua)Frosty daynadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • last monthA photo from a pleasant evening with colleagues. ##monomad challenge. ( En/Ua )Hello everyone. At the end of the working week, our friendly teachers went to a local pub with craft beer. And teachers are actually cheerful and witty outside of school. The…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoA few moments from a volleyball competition in #monomad challenge. (En/Ua)Hello again. Today I present some photo moments from the women's volleyball competition. Only three teams competed that day. There was a heated battle to determine the winner.…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-109288 • 2 months agoMy thoughts on personal self-esteem./Мої думки про особисту самооцінку. (En/Ua)Self-evaluation in our lives. Today I will write my thoughts on whether assessments are needed in our lives. Every day, along with our lives, there is a certain assessment of…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 2 months agoI have spring in my soul./В мене на душі весна. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. It's real spring in my city today. It's as if winter gives us a break from the harsh winter cold and gray environment. First, I was packing a package for my mother. I ran around thenadin-zakrevska rebloggedmonochromes in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoMONOMAD - January 18th - XXXL Edition - Please Read The Contest Rules Before Submitting Your Publications.A big thank you to the curators who like to keep an eye over our community and #monomad entries. Much appreciated. Don't be a stranger and join the [Black And White Community!](nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoWinter fun in #monomad challenge. /Зимові розваги (En/Ua).Hello everyone! Yesterday the children were walking on the playground. Snow was falling from the sky and there was enough snow for winter fun. On such days it is impossible to keep children in a warmnadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 2 months agoDay of attending master classes./День відвідування майстер-класів.(En/Ua)Hello everyone. Now I have time to write about one of the brightest days of my life. All my days are bright and full thanks to my son. On this day, at his request, I enrolled my…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 3 months agoA story about accommodation from the booking site./Історія про житло з сайту букінг. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. Today is a slightly unusual, but also important story from me. Everyone knows that during long journeys you need to rent accommodation in time and often people do it through the well-knadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoMozart's burial in Vienna and my reflections in #monomad challenge./Місце поховання Моцарта у Відні і мої роздуми. (EN/UA)Happy New Year to all of you from Austria. This is a time when we can sum up previous achievements and plan new ones. My journey on January 1st took me to the cemetery in Vienna…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoA beautiful and sad church in #monomad challenge./Красива і сумна церква в мономад.(En/Ua)Hello everyone. I am traveling again with my son. And today I managed to see an abandoned church along the road. At first I drove past by car, but I quickly realized that I have…nadin-zakrevska in #hive-156687 • 3 months agoWinter stories./Зимові історії. (En/Ua)Hello everyone. This is how this year's winter stories begin. November gently turned into December. Without borders and without precipitation. One winter day, white snow fell on…