marielarc07 in #hive-124452 • 2 days agoLOH Contest #230 I enjoy the freedom of being an Entrepreneur/ Disfruto la libertad de ser Emprendedora. (ENG / ESP) Greetings dear community, At this stage of my life I really enjoy what I do at work, doing it independently gives me the freedom that I can not have when I do it within a…marielarc07 rebloggedladiesofhive in #hive-124452 • 5 days agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #230W E L C O M E TO THE 230th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTESTmarielarc07 in #hive-131951 • 14 days agoDanzando el Poder Femenino / Dancing Feminine Power (ESP/ING)Saludos a todos y a la comunidad de @holos-lotus, hoy retomando mis escritos y mis anécdotas con todos ustedes y que mejor manera que celebrar la vida Danzando el Poder Femenino. There is always a reason to Celebrate Life , from the moment we wake up, just being thankful that we are alive is a reason to celebrate. Connecting with life from self-love…marielarc07 in #hive-140971 • 7 months agoBiodanza para Emprendedores, una nueva oportunidad / Biodanza for Entrepreneurs, a new opportunity (ESP/ENG) Saludos comunidad de @beentrepreneur y la gente emprendedora de #hive Para mí fue una grata sorpresa cuando me dieron la oportunidad de formar parte de la agenda del mes de…marielarc07 in #hive-168869 • 7 months agoWeekend Topics: WEEK 218 personality and musicHappy day to all in this new entry where being and music are fundamental in my life.marielarc07 in #hive-124452 • 8 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #197 / They inspire me and I can inspire (ENG/ESP)Greetings dear community, In my life I am inspired by many people, women who day by day get up and move forward in the face of adversity, women who have the courage to say…marielarc07 rebloggedladiesofhive in #hive-124452 • 8 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #197W E L C O M E TO THE 197th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTESTmarielarc07 in #hive-192096 • 8 months agoMi entrada al concurso TopFiveFamily Observa Piensa Escribe. Un año para prepararnos.Saludos a la comunidad @TopFiveFamily y a los lectores de Hive, a quienes invito a participar en el concurso TopFiveFamily Observa Piensa Escribe haciendo Click aquí .  Si ayudo a una sola persona a tener esperanza, no habré vivido en vano. (Martin Luther…