PostsCommentsjlinaresp in #hive-163772 • 3 months agoA PLACE CALLED “LA MAJADA” - In Montalbán, Venezuela countryside || ENG-ESP || (21 Pics)“La Majada” ("The Sheepfold") is basically a valley nestled inside another valley and is located southwest of the town of Montalbán. You get there by taking thejlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoTHE OTHER CHRISTMAS - MONOMAD - Street photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (11 Pics)B eing a street photographer in a town like mine, is something that gives me the opportunity to know and experience first-hand the ability of ordinary peoplejlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoTHE VALLEY WITH CLOUDS F rom the mountains west of Montalbán (Venezuela) you have a perfect visual domain of the valley where the town sits. If you wake up very early and climb higjlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 3 months agoEPHEMERAL - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)M y recent archives are full of landscape pictures shrouded in fog, my recent days are also full of foggy thoughts... Because photographs taken by a person ajlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoTHE WAY I SEE - MONOMAD - Pictures from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (11 Pics)A fter more than a week of waking up, eating breakfast and going for a hike or bike ride, today I woke up with pains in my legs, arms and I think even my teejlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months agoABOVE THE CLOUDS - Landscape photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (14 Pics)I n the course of first hours of the day, the valley is usually covered by clouds, often at such a low altitude that they turn into fog that penetrates everjlinaresp in #hive-163772 • 3 months agoMONTALBAN, VENEZUELA, FOGGY LANDSCAPES || ENG-ESP || (19 Pics)T he Montalbán valley is a place of frequent dawns with dense fog, this has to do with masses of hot and humid air that penetrate the valley coming from the djlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months agoLANDSCAPES FROM "LAS MESAS" TRAIL - Pictures from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (20 Pics)T he old trail to “Las Mesas” (The Tables) used to be about 40 years ago wide enough to allow the pass of 4x4 vehicles. In fact, in the mid 80's there was a pjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoMONTALBAN, B&W LANDSCAPES - MONOMAD - Pictures from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (15 Pics)M y town is located in a valley surrounded by mountains, and those of you who follow my blog may have already noticed that I am recently hiking to those mounjlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 3 months agoGOING TO DECIDUOUS FOREST - Nature photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (21 Pics)H eading southeast, along the inter-communal way that goes from Montalbán to a small hamlet called Aguirre, there are rural roads that cross pastures and oldjlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months agoSOUTHEAST LANDSCAPES - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)P erhaps 3:00 PM is not the best hour to take landscape photos 5 KM away from the town's outskirts, but that day I started taking photos at noon in the streetjlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 3 months agoDYSTOPIA - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (10 Pics)W ell friends, today is one of those days when I sat down in front of my PC and decided to take a few RAW files and do some creative catharsis with my photosjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoTOWN FADES AWAY - MONOMAD - B&W street photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (09 Pics)T he town as I knew it, slowly fades away in front my undaunted eyes... Time, neglect and loneliness have been responsible for bringing down one after the otjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoI'M STILL HERE - MONOMAD - B&W street photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (09 Pics)I think that half of my friends, half of my family, half of my ex-colleagues and half of the town's population; have left the country... And that is easy tojlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 4 months agoMORE FROM MONTALBAN'S STREETS - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (08 Pics)M y street photographs and I work together, it's a kind of nice and creative symbiosis and I oscillate between colorful and monochromatic with a certain easejlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 4 months agoFOGGY DAWN (ALTERNATIVE VISIONS) - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)T oday I wanted to sit in front of my PC and select some photos from my recent walks in the countryside, and then do something different than usual with themjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoPHOTOGRAPHY MIX - MONOMAD - B&W street photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)H ello #Hive monochromatic friends!... We are in the final week of this November and I have started to make revisions in my archives in order not to leave injlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 4 months agoA NOT SO LONELY ROAD - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)A s I told you in my most recent posts; I have been taking advantage of the foggy mornings to take long walks along the rural roads north of town and -obvioujlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 4 months agoRURAL ROAD - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)W e've had foggy mornings in recent days here in Montalbán (Venezuela) and that's something that makes me feel the desire to take pictures in natural places.jlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 4 months agoFROM THE ROAD WITH FOG - MONOMAD - B&W photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)I 'm addicted to photographing when it's foggy and here in Montalbán (Venezuela) one of every three dawns has fogs that penetrate both the rural surroundings