Fresh young coconuts are famous refreshments in tropical countries like the Philippines and it had been embraced by many people. It's not only refreshing but also thirst quenching and healthy too. Though it makes you urinate often, it was called body cleansing by many.
These days, the new trend for eating fruits were to grill them and coconuts were no excuse to that. But some people in my place says that when a man grills young coconuts, they must have a personal problem which they cannot say to anyone. I guess my fellow Filipinos had idea on this kind of illness.
Anyway, back to the title, last weekend on a Sunday, I and my husband visited a friend and we has young coconuts there. BUT WITH A TWIST! we added orange juice in it.
Way back in January whne we visited another friend who was with us in this travel, we had young coconuts scraped and mixed with condensed milk and Orange flavored soda. It was delicious and gives an amazing flavor in each of oir tongues!
In this travel, there were no Orange Soda so we substituted it with an orange juice.
I made use of the condensed milk can as my cup.
The younger boys were assigned to get the coconuts and we tend to them. Tata opened while we women scraped the meat inside. It was a bit challenging because we did not have a scraper and some of the coconuts were already past the best age. Despite that, we managed to get enough coconut meat and coconut water for the dessert.
Scrape, scrape scrape we went
Everyone helped each other to make the chore easier.
Here's how we made it :
We prepared the scraped coconut meat and coconut water in a huge pot, added sugar, condensed milk, orange juice and to make it more refreshing, we added Ice. Then voila! The lamaw is ready!
This is where the coconuts came from.
It was such an amazing weekend experience for me, a lovely break and just what I needed for a long stressful week.
We were so full with food in our visit, the generous host is much too generous and hospitable to us.