Color Comments

in #linux6 days ago

Wow, that's a gorgeous color scheme you've got there 😍!

Every time I share a screenshot with @ecoinstant, he always say something about the pretty colors.

Well, I change them often and I haven't found the right color scheme to fit just perfectly with me. I've tried Gruvbox, Catppuccin, Toyko Night, Nord. And most recently Root Loops.

Pretty Python

If you like the colors, there are instructions to use them in various terminal emulators and some apps, as well as just plain JSON if you want to manually do it at the Root Loops Site

Code Count for Random Scripts

What color scheme do you guys usually work with? Catppuccin is pretty, but overused. Nord, honestly pretty but makes my eyes bleed. Tokyo looks a lot like Catppuccin to me, Gruvbox, although can look pretty slick, is too brown.

I've been on the look out for something pretty, let me know if there is one I just maybe haven't run across yet.


I do all of my dev work on a windows machine and to make things look good I've started using Terminal with OhMyPosh installed so it's got fancy themes. Mostly this is for working with git, but it's amazing how much just having some nice colours and a background to my terminal improves my day.

Its way better for your brain too bro.

I have used OhMyPosh before, the bash version, I know the original is for Powershell, I have honestly never used Windows Powershell (or Windows either for that matter for years), but yes, just getting away from the wall of white text can be a real game changer. Do you use any specific theme in your IDE of choice? I know github dark is pretty common too, even among windows users.

Dark everything, honestly. Most of my day is in VisualStudio, so there's not a ton of theme options but I do set everything to dark mode to save my eyes.

Not even VSCode, plain Visual Studios, yikes.

Yeah, default dark everything, even during daylight hours, for me too!

Root Loops! Best one yet!