ecotheexploiter rebloggedarangoaqet in #spanish • 16 days agoMonetización de Bio-Tokens: Integración Blockchain para Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en el Norte del Tolima@quintaesencia @ecoinstante @ecoinstant @ecobanker Palabras clave: Bio-tokens, blockchain, servicios ambientales, Líbano Tolima, bosques húmedos premontanos, energía solar…ecotheexploiter rebloggedquintaesencia in #ecobanker • last monthExecutive Summary: Circular Protein ProjectThe following is a draft executive summary for our P4G grant application including @ecobanker and @quintaesencia. Please leave relevant feed back in the comments section below. ![image.png](ecotheexploiter rebloggedecoinstant in #hive-174122 • last yearGame Theory Concept: The 'Noob Corner'So in my last post, I introduced all of you to Kill Pete , a youtube channel dedicated to watching some canadian dude play risk. Sounds silly, but I have found a lot of value…ecotheexploiter rebloggedalohaed in #hive-177956 • last monthThe Contemplative Athenian Archon or ἄρχωνI asked Grok to create an "Athenian Archon contemplating a weighty matter" after a bit of tweaking, I arrived at the image below. This post isn't all that "weighty" but as…ecotheexploiter rebloggedecoinstant in #hive-186392 • 2 months agoA story about being underwaterI sprinkle throughout my posts talk about leverage and "ratio trading" and all sorts of jargonified code speak that I am trying to communicate but also realize that only those…ecotheexploiter rebloggedmithrildestiny in #hive-186392 • 2 months agoWhat is World building?A spark, an idea, a concept. Have we lost the plot? No. That comes later. The Spell Battery -