What Pleases God The Most. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

A righteous person pleases God. He pleases God because the Bible says that God delights in the prayers of the righteous. It even says that God takes pleasure in the death of His saints. God is pleased when a person lives in righteousness.

God is also please with those who obey his commandments. The Lord Jesus Christ says that those who keep his commandments will be loved by his Father and God will come and makes his abode in such life. When someone obeys the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ, that person will please God.

God is please with those who believe in Him. Those who have faith in God please Him. He delights in them and he rewards them. The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. This means that when someone have faith in God, he will please God.

Good is pleased with those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. That is why the Bible says that God seeks such people to worship Him. He is pleased with them that is why he seeks after them to worship Him. We should be true worshippers.

The greatest of all is that it is only the Lord Jesus Christ who pleases God the most. Like Bro Eli Soriano said, there are many things that please God, business nothing or no one pleases God more than the son. The Son is the only person in heaven and earth who pleases the Father the most.


We follow the steps of the Son so that we can please God

Living a life that brings God pleasure should be the daily desire of every christian

What relly pleased God is when we diligently obey and keep the word of God by doing what is right in his sight and avoiding the sinful act which defiles the commandment of God