Not Paying My Money On Time Seem Unfair To Me.

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Life can be crazy and unfair at times that we don’t get what we give out to people. You may be the kindest person on earth and still get crazy treatments from people. Also, you may be the most wicked but you’d still receive favors and things will always go your way. At the same time, karma is real but I don’t think it works all the time because if it does, some people are not supposed to be in some particular positions enjoying their lives but God has His way of doing His things so I dare not question Him.

A time when I given an unfair treatment

Well, this is a present issue now cos it is still happening to me and I also see this as an opportunity to share what happened with you all so you can at least judge. When I begin my NYSC program, I already made up my mind to run a business immediately after my service year and I’m even glad that my father supported me with a whooping amount of money.


Because I need enough money, I took so many job offers and also the ones I never thought I could do. My aim was just to make sure that I have enough money to start my business. Luckily for me, a senior teacher in my workplace introduced me to some parents and told me to be taking their child on extra lesson which will happen after school. I was glad and the mother of the child offered to pay forty five thousand naira (#45,000). I was glad because it was a lot of money.

I took the offer and agreed to teach him in his house three times a week. I made sure that I didn’t miss even a day and I always go there on time. There are even times when I’d exceed my teaching time just to make sure that the boy understands what I’m teaching him. Even though I may be after the money, I also want to make sure that I impact knowledge into the boy. They were supposed to make my first payment on March 20th but I didn’t ask because I felt she should have it in her head. After two days, I asked politely and she promised to pay. Till now, she hasn’t paid up my money. It isn’t nice.
I already have my shop now but I have nowhere to stay. I’m staying with my aunt and it is not really conducive for me. My sis is also waiting for me to add money so we can rent the apartment. And I texted the woman yesterday and today but didn’t get any response. It isn’t fair.


Now, the reason I said it is unfair is because they’ve got the money. I’ve been to their house so many times and God knows that #45,000 is just like a stipend to them. Also, this makes me remember the transport fare I spent going there three times a week, the time I spent teaching the boy and even so many times when I’d get home late at night because of traffic. It’s sad and I feel it is unfair that way.

I just hope they pay up my money so I’d be able to rent my apartment as soon as possible. God knows it hurts me a lot especially for the fact that the mother of the child isn’t responding to my texts. I feel bad and I’m sure that I have not done anything wrong to them.


Sorry to hear. I do hope the woman pays you soon. It's not nice when they know their obligations but they don't settle them. If she can't give it on time, she should have the decency to tell you so that you won't be wondering and waiting.

Exactly my point too
I need the money urgently so I hope they pay up

That's really sad to hear about. I hope if some big authority get to know about your issue and help you with receiving money from that woman.

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Thanks so much
I really appreciate

Ah sorry to hear, this is actually unfair. At least people need to remember their words especially when it comes to paying someone.
What if someone has another plan to spend their payment? Hope she will pay you soon

I even need the money urgently
It’s really sad but I hope they pay up soon

This is really sad to hear. Some people can just be something else. If she knew she wasn’t going to pay you why did she allow you tutor the kid.

Maybe you should ask her in person and let’s see how it goes .

It’s hurting me because I need money

It is well