Who is late now?

in Q Inspired-by-Music β€’ last year (edited)


I have no choice but to laugh at this title: WOW! I AM SOOO LATE...


Those were the first words how @edje started his post after the Hive meetup in Krakow, in October 2023. He was just one week "late". One week. It's not a big deal, as how should I start my post now? I am more than three months late to respond to that Spead the Vibes post, to the invitation we all got there.

I must say it was a bit shy invitation on Edje's part...

Am much looking forward to your contributions! πŸ™‡

...but it is there and we all overlooked it. Our fault. We were still hyped by the meeting itself and all those moments that we shared before and during the HiveBeeCon event itself (and later) that we forgot about the music. 🎢

The truth is that the Hivers who stayed in the city continued meeting on Sunday and Monday too. Almost whole day walks and lunches, snacks, hot chocolate, talks - it was so nice. We were also going back to The Kingdom without Limits for the next two days, in late afternoons when Hallmann was there. He gives language lessons, but I am not sure whether he can write using the runes. Maybe? :))


The photo of this concert hall (we think it is a concert hall... if not, please let us know if we are wrong 😁) was taken during one of our afternoon walks and at the moment we decided to visit The Kingdom again. I was setting the GPS from here to Biskupia Street and then this building, illuminated by lights snuck into my phone's photo gallery.

It was a shame there were no concerts in that building while we were there. Thinking it better - we didn't need any. We didn't lack activities, our stay in Poland was perfect even without classical music concerts. Oh, there was one, casual kind of performance for Hivers in KBK... πŸ˜‹


I stumbled upon this nice detail to remember - a kind of mosaic pavement that was leading us through the city of Krakow. However, these days the pavements are different in the place I live and I have to walk at a different pace. I am in a hurry. By choice or need, it doesn't matter now, but in case I decide to slow down and take it easy, on everything, I should just listen to the share from Edje's post, to the album Deus Arrakis by Klaus Schulze. Or at least listen to the first track Osiris, as it was the only one my laptop wanted to open at that moment.



I listened to the whole album, later, from my phone while I was commuting to work (little suggestion - it is best to listen to the track with headphones). There are some open and wide chords, with a classical feeling. It is not a complex harmony as there are just a few chords but the connection between them is building the feeling of movement inside the calmness. A beautiful album that I enjoyed and listened to this morning again as one word reminded me about it.


It was also a topic we were talking about with our son yesterday. We went out to eat and talked about different things, among them about his studies next year, where to go, where to live etc. It will not be easy, we have it clear and just, for example, paying rent for another apartment is a huge additional expense. He expressed his feelings - and his awareness that he has been stressed for a while and that he is trying to cut down on these negative thoughts.

We are trying to help him with our advice and suggestions on how to control that, and how to stay calm but I just don't know to what extent a teenager listens to his parents. Good preparation and organization can help a lot to prevent (or to reduce) the moments we suffer under a stressful situation. I think I will show him this video when he arrives home from school.


Well, I know it is not music that I shared here. I responded with a different thing in this Spread the Vibes edition, but I am being practical right now and trying not to stress out because of breaking the rules. πŸ˜‚

Who was late now? Me. But as this challenge-not-challenge has no deadlines and strict rules, I am fine, I think.


P.S. Two Hivers appear in this dark and blurry photo.


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A lovely late response to an unforgettable HIVE meetup session and a great long weekend!

more than three months late
Who was late now? Me. But as this challenge-not-challenge has no deadlines and strict rules, I am fine, I think.

Don't you worry πŸ˜‰ Spread the Vibes isn't timeboxed. It is there for infinity. I believe I mentioned something like that when this whole thing started. Part of the challenge-not-challenge. It has a beginning, but no end.

without classical music concerts. Oh, there was one, casual kind of performance for Hivers in KBK... πŸ˜‹

You got that right. With you in the leading role! Perfect 'chamber' concert. Will never forget that one. Never ever πŸ˜‰

I must say it was a bit shy invitation on Edje's part...

Didn't realise I invited peeps. More a generic invitation I believe (sry, too lazy to read back my own post πŸ˜†)


Floating! Mind and Body.

Well, I know it is not music that I shared here.

Perfect response πŸ™‡πŸ₯°

A lovely comment to the lovely response to the lovely hive meetup!

You remember that chamber concert 😍 (imagine if the piano was in the wardrobe in KBK... It would be a wardrobe concert then hahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

Perfect response πŸ™‡πŸ₯°

There is no perfection but I am glad you liked this late response πŸ˜‹

It would be a wardrobe concert then hahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Owww that would've been just perfect. Just a title and body text of a post stating you played a private concert in the wardrobe and nothing else. Ok, perhaps create a fake visit and just write about that one? Just for the fun of it?

There is no perfection but I am glad you liked this late response πŸ˜‹

True, for us perfect isn't possible, never. But but but .. a figure of speech.

Off-topic but not quite off-topic: I seem to fall into this modern trap. Recently I heard in a podcast about the tendency of peeps to use more extreme words in emails. Like 'I am great" instead of 'I am doing good', 'It is fantastic' instead of 'It looks good' and so forth. Peeps tend to be more extreme in their words, which I didn't realise too much to be honest Wondering what words will be used a decade from now, and two, three. Anyway, I seem to use them as well. Not so much in emails, but in posts.

Hahahaha, it would be a cool post lol

Maybe I should consider going to Krakow again 😁
I see hefroms that still live in The Kingdom have a lot of fun, and my little Prince Hefromund is bored with me as I can't find enough time to build him a tower or a bridge... So, there I could have indeed a performance in the wardrobe!

I seem to fall into this modern trap

You just scared me. For a moment I thought you were talking about that "music" - trap 😱

About extreme words - Is great an extreme word? Ok, maybe it is for an official or serious e-mail, but I guess we go with the flow hahaha

not necessarily is 'great' an extreme word, but 'we' seem to go more extreme in our expressions as we go. at some point we reached the boundaries of extreme words in our vocabulary, and even in our dictionary. wondering what happens then πŸ˜†

Everything will go well, calmly and step by step. The score of life also has an adequate tempo. I'm giving you the advice that I don't apply, so I'm going to take care of my thing. 🀣
A big hug, an another to your son. πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

I love this comparison you made - the score of life as the adequate tempo. I agree πŸ˜‡

Thank you, I just read now your message to my son πŸ€—

Adolescence is often difficult. I remember how hard it was for me to express my fears, insecurities, reasons for stress...I always had a notebook and pencil at hand, luckily. Your boy has voiced his concerns. You guys have done a great job being parents and friends too.
The journey will be fun, difficulties will not be absent, of course, but they make us grow. He just has to look at it from that angle in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

Yes, those years that bridge the childhood and the adulthood are not easy, there are many questions and changes. If one can talk with his/her parents, it's good, but many times adolescents will find it difficult and feel a bit embarrassed. It's important they feel they can trust and open up themselves to the right people. Thank you for your words, un abrazo! :))


@tipu curate πŸ₯Ή

Thank you πŸ˜‡πŸ•ŠοΈ

Well, "It's never too late if we have good luck" is the saying around here.

By the way, it is really beautiful the building you show us! Stuning, i think would be the perfect adjective

That's a good saying 😁

Encantador lugar y bellos recuerdos... siempre hay mΓΊsica alrededor tuyo, como el aroma de la vida...

AsΓ­ es, una parte inseparable de mΓ­ ;)

What beautiful places you share. I loved the pedestrian walkway with brown and gray cobblestones. The worry about the son leaving home is what psychologists call a family crisis due to the departure of one of the members, or empty nest. That is worrying, but not so much, he is a well prepared boy, he will manage to take a good path. The pictures are nice, that building illuminated at night is beautiful. Everything will be fine, don't worry too much, only what is necessary.

The pedestrian walkway with cobblestones was pretty, it was close to the illuminated building. We are not very worried, though I was in shock after seeing the prices of the apartments later in the evening πŸ˜‚. Then I calmly closed that tab with apartments and went to clean (finally) hahaha. Still, he is a bit overloaded with homework, exams, concerts, and compositions he still has to prepare well, but it will all be fine. Thank you for stopping by, @yanerkidiaz 😊

Very nice places that you present. Very interesting video to think calmly before going into stress. Having fixed places for things, I know why it helps not to lose them, because of the hypothalamus. Science is good but practical life is richer. I tell you I see that your boy is educated by intelligent parents who have given him good teachings and music and walks and good food and healthy habits. Even as a teenager he is sure to make good decisions and the end result will even make his parents proud. Best regards, I'm already starting to worry about my 10 year old.

Science has answers to many questions, but yes, life is where the theory has to be proved :D It is important to make decisions with calmness when the thoughts are not clouded, it is important he learns that. It applies to everyone actually. You still have time with that worry, haha, enjoy the present moments with little Julio πŸ˜‡

Aw :)

I must save the video to go through. Thanks for this!

DBT tools ;)

Free online <3 They work well. Of course... being able to call home and share with someone special is one of the best ways of staying grounded 😌

Special lady πŸ’–

We are happy when he can open himself up and tell us if there are things he is worried about or if there is a thing he thinks is a huge obstacle but maybe he just needs another angle. There are always some reasons to be stressed but what if not, I mean, what if we don't stress out but get to work on those difficulties with a calm mind. Study - so you will not be that nervous on the exam. Prepare - so the chances you forget something are smaller. Small details but could help :D

But what about this track in the post? Do you like Klaus Schulze's music? 🎢

Better late than never πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you really enjoyed that visit to Poland , I think we must do a hiver meetup soon here for the hivers in Havana , I hope we got so fun as you had in that trip πŸ˜πŸ˜‡

A meetup of Hivers in Havana is probably always great fun! All of you with a great sense of humour, it must be unforgettable. (no quiero ser pesada jaja, pero lo de la cancha, eso ya no sigue?)

There are still posts to come from that visit to Krakow πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

Tenemos que retomar las canchas pero estamos todos muy ocupados y no hemos podido ponernos de acuerdo, porque deben ir al menos 4 personas para que sea divertido πŸ˜πŸ˜‡

SΓ­, con mΓ‘s personas es more fun. :))
Bueno, luego pensΓ© que no tenΓ­a que preguntar esto, seguro que se organizarΓ­a algo si habrΓ‘ tiempo y posibilidades, fue una pregunta un poco tonta jejeje

Jjj no no es tonta es que son dΓ­as convulsos πŸ˜…

Necesito ayuda con mi ΓΊltimo post no me cargaba para publicarlo y cuando lo hizo no me actualizo los tags ni la comunidad , que puedo hacer??

Lo estoy viendo. Ya publicado en leofinance, como comunidad. Me imagino que querΓ­as esto lo que se puede ahora a travΓ©s de ellos, pero publicar en otra comunidad, pues no saliΓ³ asΓ­ πŸ˜‘
Creo que ya nada puedes hacer para cambiarlo.

Yo nunca he utilizado leofinance, no soy de mucha ayuda con este issue ahora mismo πŸ˜•

Ya lo deje vacΓ­o y puse no votar, es que la conexiΓ³n aquΓ­ es pΓ©sima , peor que en el pueblo ese que fuiste πŸ˜…, nos hace sufrir mucho πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

A concert in that hall must be wonderful, just looking at it I said wowww what a beauty!

That topic is very important, calm, how many times before certain circumstances it is difficult to be calm .... I am very nervous you know? hahaha I have experience in trying to find calm.

I loved the picture of the runes? The writing is beautiful!❀️

You are nervous? I didn't realise that hahaha, You are just full of energy, that's it! πŸ˜‰

No, I'm not nervous now hahaha but crazy hahaha and yes with energy!!!!

Wow! Such a pretty sound you played, I think it really portray calmness as one can draw lot of inspiration once on this kind of harmony. Moreover Mr. Daniel's lecture can also help someone in minimizing stress given the lot of problems and bugs our human minds cannot control at an instant. Well, I trust it'll help your son anyways, if he's ready to heed to the words of Mr. Daniel since it's not all about the volume of idea and advice that's important in anything but the readiness of the listener to heed to instructions that matters in everything.

Whenever one meets someone like this, there is a lot of waiting for that meeting and then when it happens, there is also a lot of happiness and these places are very beautiful. The mood of a person becomes more happy after seeing him.

I still need to hear some footage from this concert!

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