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RE: Who is late now?

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast year

A lovely late response to an unforgettable HIVE meetup session and a great long weekend!

more than three months late
Who was late now? Me. But as this challenge-not-challenge has no deadlines and strict rules, I am fine, I think.

Don't you worry 😉 Spread the Vibes isn't timeboxed. It is there for infinity. I believe I mentioned something like that when this whole thing started. Part of the challenge-not-challenge. It has a beginning, but no end.

without classical music concerts. Oh, there was one, casual kind of performance for Hivers in KBK... 😋

You got that right. With you in the leading role! Perfect 'chamber' concert. Will never forget that one. Never ever 😉

I must say it was a bit shy invitation on Edje's part...

Didn't realise I invited peeps. More a generic invitation I believe (sry, too lazy to read back my own post 😆)


Floating! Mind and Body.

Well, I know it is not music that I shared here.

Perfect response 🙇🥰


A lovely comment to the lovely response to the lovely hive meetup!

You remember that chamber concert 😍 (imagine if the piano was in the wardrobe in KBK... It would be a wardrobe concert then hahaha 😂😂😂)

Perfect response 🙇🥰

There is no perfection but I am glad you liked this late response 😋

It would be a wardrobe concert then hahaha 😂😂😂

Owww that would've been just perfect. Just a title and body text of a post stating you played a private concert in the wardrobe and nothing else. Ok, perhaps create a fake visit and just write about that one? Just for the fun of it?

There is no perfection but I am glad you liked this late response 😋

True, for us perfect isn't possible, never. But but but .. a figure of speech.

Off-topic but not quite off-topic: I seem to fall into this modern trap. Recently I heard in a podcast about the tendency of peeps to use more extreme words in emails. Like 'I am great" instead of 'I am doing good', 'It is fantastic' instead of 'It looks good' and so forth. Peeps tend to be more extreme in their words, which I didn't realise too much to be honest Wondering what words will be used a decade from now, and two, three. Anyway, I seem to use them as well. Not so much in emails, but in posts.

Hahahaha, it would be a cool post lol

Maybe I should consider going to Krakow again 😁
I see hefroms that still live in The Kingdom have a lot of fun, and my little Prince Hefromund is bored with me as I can't find enough time to build him a tower or a bridge... So, there I could have indeed a performance in the wardrobe!

I seem to fall into this modern trap

You just scared me. For a moment I thought you were talking about that "music" - trap 😱

About extreme words - Is great an extreme word? Ok, maybe it is for an official or serious e-mail, but I guess we go with the flow hahaha

not necessarily is 'great' an extreme word, but 'we' seem to go more extreme in our expressions as we go. at some point we reached the boundaries of extreme words in our vocabulary, and even in our dictionary. wondering what happens then 😆