It Is Not Sufficient To Only Pray. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago


The Bible says that it is not sufficient to only pray. When we pray we, must act to support our prayers. The actions which we take are the living faith which we are exhibiting. Let us always pray by faith and also take action in faith.

Prayer is a good thing which we have as christians. Not every person in the world has the golden opportunity. Many people pray to gods who do not hear them. They pray to their idols and the idols are not hearing them. But we as christians, we have a God who answers prayers.

When we are praying, we should pray in faith. We should pray believing that God is going to bring our prayers to pass. We should not have any doubt in our hearts. We must believe God if we want God to answer us. Our God is a loving God. He is a Father who cares. So, he is willing to hear and answer our prayers.

Our prayers must be backed by faith actions. Faith has work. A living faith, which is able to bring results is the faith which I back by the appropriate action. When we pray, we should also be wise to act accordingly.


I will pray and will take action

Backing up our prayers with faith is the key