This lovely little lake at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle Illinois was so filled with reflections that my thoughts were of @Olgavita and her Reflection Hunters Contest in the Shadow Hunters Community!
The Lake presented a great opportunity for reflection photos!
It was not quite as idyllic as it appears in the photos. Our massive cicada hatch is rather deafening, as you can hear in the video, and I've heard people say that they have begun wearing ear plugs when they go outdoors for any amount of time.
Usually a walk here would be quiet, peaceful, and filled with bird song!
The cicadas live underground for 17 years as nymphs and emerge to mate and start the whole 17-year cycle all over again. It looks like this pair will be successful!
The birds have been feasting, and I have not needed to fill my feeders since the cicadas arrived!
And since this is an arboretum I can't end without a couple of tree photos.
11% of this posts rewards go to 3Speak
5% beneficiary rewards go to @ecency
20% goes to Shadow Hunters Community hive-179017
Gif and divider created by @irisworld