Image: My youngest kid
“inner peace refers to a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors”.~Wikipedia
Inner peace is golden, priceless and cannot be traded for anything whatsoever no matter how attractive or demanding it may appear.
Hello beautiful ladies of hive. Welcome to another exciting day and welcome to my blog.
I'll be writing on the second question which states; Mindfulness: How do you achieve inner peace despite busy life and daily struggles?
The present day world is full of physical, mental and stressful activities which include, demands from family life, work or business activities, social life and economic situation of the country. These are obviously unavoidable but can be managed if one is intentional about it considering one's health and inner peace.
How I Achieve My Inner Peace
I've so mastered my body mechanism that I try so hard not to go against anything that will trigger it negatively. As a work-from-home mum my job requires both physical and mental activities. To avoid distractions and unnecessary stress from my kids I rise early, prepare their meal and get them ready for school. While they're in school I work within that time frame and ensure I'm done before their return. Because once they're back it will be divided attention especially from my youngest kid who'll always want to have my phone just for her own interest…lol. Weekends are work-free days for me, it's for general cleaning and rest. During holidays siester time is strictly adhered to. At work I don't over stress myself. I rest when my body needs it to avoid breakdown. I put in my best to improve my life and family within my capacity. I operate in the principle of “what I don't have now means it's not yet time for it.” I don't worry myself over what I don't have control over.
For my mental health I don't listen to news because 99.9% information from the media is negative and worrisome. The high cost economic situation of the country alone is enough trouble for the day let alone adding more to it. Like a plaque I avoid negative energy or friends who talk about other people, as much as possible I mind my own business, and don't force friendship. Any relationship that saps me of energy more than I gain or threatens my peace of mind is a no for me. I forgive my offenders whether they asked for it or not. I don't like bearing grudges, it weighs me down a lot if I do, so I try as much as possible to avoid it. Interacting with aged people gives me joy and serenity to learn and reflect in their wisdom. It's one company I enjoy most; it gives me the privilege to share and gain in their knowledge. Listening to cool music, reading self development books and the Holy Bible are also another aspect by which I achieve inner peace. These help me to ease off stress.
In conclusion, like the definition of inner peace as stated above by Wikipedia, it is a deliberate action. One has to be intentional about it. It's not something one achieves randomly or expects to achieve from someone else, one has to put in necessary efforts and principles for it to be achieved; because Inner Peace is all there is to a healthy life.
Thank you so much for stopping by to read, engage and upvote. I really do appreciate it.🤗💕