Hey peeps..!!
Doing good..?
Well,today, I'm going to share the procedure for making a birthday card with you. A little while ago, my younger cousin came to me and said that it's her school friend's birthday, so could I make a card for her. So, I thought why not give it a try. I hope you people will like it.So Lets first know its ingredients.
Colour pages
Lead pencil
Glue stick

At first i pick a blue coloured page and then fold it from both sides.

After folding a page i took a white coloured page and cut it from its center for dividing the page in two parts.

And then i pasted these two white parts on each side of folded blue page.

Now i have to cut balloons and for this i draw them on the blue page with lead pencil.

After this i cut them with scissors into the shape.

Then i paste them on the white page.

Then i cut a small straight piece of blue colour with its upright corners to shape it like a basket of balloons.

After this i tried drawing strings of balloons from lead pencil into curved shape.

But at the very time i changed my mind and i draw straight lines with the help of scale.It liked this one better, it sure was looking better than it was before.

So, at the end i cut a small rectangular shaped piece of blue card to make a lock of card.
Then i pasted it in the mid.
Here's how it looks, i knew my little cousin was going to enjoy this one because she was a kid and even little things matter for kids the most. This is what i like about children.

Well i know it's not very artistic, but for kids, it's enough. They get so happy with even little things, just like my cousin did when she saw this card. I was also really happy to see the cute smile on her face
So good bye for now.
Meet you on next blog