My best teacher: Monday Memories #37

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago (edited)

Tuve mucha suerte de tener muy buenos maestros cuando estudiaba que me enseñaron muy buenas lecciones, pero considero que los mejores maestros que he tenido fue en la escuela primaria y secundaria en la primaria la maestra que más recuerdo y tengo siempre en mis recuerdos es a la profesora margarita Sánchez que daba 5 grado era una profesora muy amable y gentil.

I was very lucky to have very good teachers when I was studying who taught me very good lessons, but I consider that the best teachers I have had were in elementary and high school. In elementary school the teacher I remember the most and I always have in my memories is the teacher Margarita Sanchez who taught 5th grade, she was a very kind and gentle teacher.

Ella fue nuestra profesora guía cuando yo estaba en la escuela primaria.Todo lo que ella me enseñó y yo aprendí fue la base fundamental de mis futuros estudios.Me enseñaron principios, valores, normas de comportamiento, la norma del buen orador y del buen oyente, el respeto a todos mis compañeros, el respeto a los adultos, a los animales y a la naturaleza, todas las cosas esenciales que necesitas en tu vida a nivel personal, familiar y profesional.

She was our guiding teacher when I was in elementary school.Everything she taught me and I learned was the fundamental basis for my future studies.They teach me principles, values, norms of behavior, the norm of the good speaker and the good listener, respect for all my classmates, respect for adults, for animals and nature, all the essential things you need in your life on a personal, family and professional level.

mientras daba clase era muy bromista, solía lanzar datos curiosos, y contaba anécdotas, simplemente contaba las cosas de forma divertida, con ejemplo, para que entendiéramos el tema pero creo que lo que la hacía más especial era lo cariñosa que era.Nos saludaba a todos con besos y abrazos y no decía ni mis hijos de cariño.Tenía una mirada tan dulce, era como ver a mi abuela, a la que podías preguntar lo que quisieras y siempre te daba una sabia respuesta.

while she was teaching she was very jocular, she used to throw curious facts, and told anecdotes, she simply told things in a funny way, with example, so that we would understand the subject but i think what made her most special was how loving she was.she greeted us all with kisses and hugs and did not say my children of affection.she had such a sweet look, it was like seeing my grandmother, who you could ask anything you wanted and she would always give you a wise answer.

Cuando estaba en tercero de bachillerato tuve un profesor de matemáticas que era bastante estricto y yo siempre fui una alumna sobresaliente que llevaba mis cuadernos impecables, pero no lo suficiente como para que el profesor los calificara con la máxima nota. Un día le pregunté cuál era el motivo y me contestó que los números de mis operaciones matemáticas estaban desordenados. Me explicó que debía poner cada número alineado para estar más organizado y evitar así cualquier confusión a la hora de realizar operaciones matemáticas. Le agradezco su consejo porque fueron de gran ayuda para mejorar

When I was in the third year of high school I had a math teacher who was quite strict and I was always an outstanding student who kept my notebooks impeccable, but not enough for the teacher to grade them with the highest mark. One day I asked him what the reason was and he replied that the numbers in my math operations were out of order. He explained to me that I should put each number lined up to be more organized and avoid any confusion when performing math operations. I thank him for his advice because it was a great help for me to improve.

Era un profesor muy inteligente, lleno de mucho entusiasmo por enseñar Su voluntad parecía infinita solo Bastaba que tocara un problema para que se quedara un buen rato explicando con lujo de detalles cómo resolver cualquier problema o ecuación que le preguntáramos Esto hacía que todos encontráramos un ritmo y aprendiéramos mejor, porque no tenía miedo de hacer preguntas Era increíble que nunca se diera por vencido, no se estresaba como otros profesores que gritaban y no volvían a explicar Por eso estos dos profesores fueron muy importantes para mí, no sólo porque tenían amor y vocación por su trabajo, sino porque se notaba que realmente disfrutaban con lo que enseñaban y el cariño y aprecio que se generaba entre profesor y alumno era algo único y genuino...

He was a very intelligent teacher, full of a lot of enthusiasm for teaching His will seemed infinite It was enough for him to touch a problem for him to stay a long time explaining in great detail how to solve any problem or equation we asked him This made us all find a rhythm and learn better, because he was not afraid to ask questions It was amazing that he never gave up, He didn't get stressed out like other teachers who yelled and didn't come back to explain. That's why these two teachers were very important to me, not only because they had love and vocation for their work, but because you could tell that they really enjoyed what they were teaching and the affection and appreciation that was generated between teacher and student was something unique and genuine...


The photos published in this blog are my own property.


Thank you so much for taking the time to rate my post have a nice day

You're welcome

I can see that you really admired your teacher