faniaviera in #hive-126152 • 7 days agoWhat is happinessOne day a friend told me if I get the house I want and a good man I will be really happy, many people believe that happiness is only achiefaniaviera in #hive-124452 • 11 days agomorning routine and ritual : LOH 228I think life is a bit of both, routine and spontaneity, because it's not that I have a planned routine as such.for my life it's the children, worfaniaviera in #hive-124452 • 20 days agoHow did you learn about the Hive blockchain?: LOH 227Well, to be very honest I met Hive by pure chance, at that time I had been living in Chile for a while working with some cousins who got me a jfaniaviera in #hive-168869 • 24 days agoProblematic neighbors: WEEK 247Generally, I get along very well with most of the neighbors, but there is no lack of my case I have a neighbor that people dislike becfaniaviera in #hive-102879 • 24 days agoFears prevent us from transcending/los miedos nos impiden transcenderWe all have always seen fear and pain as something very negative, as a big problem, but then we are afraid of pain, we are afraid of feafaniaviera in #hive-131951 • 26 days agocosas que no les agradan a los demás de mí/things that others don't like about meTodos tenemos actitudes, comportamientos y cosas físicas que no nos gustan de nosotros mismos, y tenemos cosas que no les gustan a los demás, pefaniaviera in #hive-124452 • 28 days agoHow to achieve inner peace: LOH 226In my opinion there is no secret as such to find inner peace, there are people who can find it in different ways.I think the main problem isfaniaviera in #hive-168869 • last monthIntelligence: WEEK 246I grew up with the idea that if I read a lot of books, memorized a lot and got good grades, I was smart for getting good grades.The truth is thafaniaviera in #hive-165757 • last monthThey do not have to be the way we want them to be/No tienen por qué ser como nosotras queremosAs parents we do not understand that love and freedom go hand in hand, we believe that love is only to protect and control the whole life of ourfaniaviera in #hive-126152 • last monthwe lack common senseMy uncle used to say that common sense was the least common of the senses, if it existed there would be no war, and he was quite right, basically bfaniaviera in #hive-168869 • last monthWe have always been manipulated by the media: WEEK 245It is not that I believe that the media deceive us, it is that if someone sensible and thoughtful investigates a little he will find that there arefaniaviera in #hive-131951 • last monthmis apegos tóxicos/my toxic attachmentsSaludos a toda la linda comunidad de @holos-lotus Hoy daré mi opinión de la iniciativa creada por nuestra estimada @damarysvibra sobre Mis apegos...faniaviera in #hive-168869 • last monthI try to be a good sister : WEEK 244I think I am a good sister because I am very loving, I always took care of them the best I could, when we were little we played and had a lot of fun,faniaviera in #hive-126152 • last monthObsession with beautyThe obsession with body beauty is usually interpreted only as superficial, but I think it is a very deep longing rofaniaviera in #hive-131951 • 2 months agoMi perspectiva del perdón/My perspective on forgivenessEl resentimiento es un bebé de pecho que alimentamos cada vez que recordamos lo que nos hicieron, pero cuando crece se transforma en odio y acaba contaminando nuestra alma Nos llenamos dfaniaviera in #hive-124452 • 2 months agoHeritage/Patrimonio: LOH 223La verdad es que todos deberíamos redactar un documento cuando formamos una familia cediendo nuestras propiedades a nuestros hijos, pero la verdad es que no tenemos esa cultura, todos penfaniaviera in #hive-168869 • 2 months agoMy successes and failures : WEEK 243It is not that I have a classification to measure my successes and failures, the truth is that I consider myself a normal person, I am not successful at all, I am just afaniaviera in #hive-102879 • 2 months agoconmiseración/commiserationSolo la gente enferma y con muchos problemas emocionales deja de hablarles a su pareja, a su madre, hermanos y hasta hijos por días, meses y hasta años. A mí pensfaniaviera in #hive-124452 • 2 months agoQue me inspira/That inspires me : LOH 222Me inspiran muchas cosas, pero cosas sencillas como escuchar música romántica, música que transmita un mensaje o cuente una historia de vida, me gusta la música, pero nofaniaviera in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoEl tiempo es solo cenizas/Time is just ashesfuente El tiempo se convirtió en cenizas mientras mi corazón palpi