[ENG/ESP] The Pain of Emigration/ Contest #195

in Ladies of Hive7 months ago (edited)
Hello to all the women of the community and to the men who are here. One of this week's topics touches me very closely because it is a reality that affects the entire Cuban family: emigration.

Emigration is a process that has occurred historically and that has diverse causes such as political, religious, war conflicts, epidemics or economic causes.

I consider that it is a decision that every human being has and that should be respected because everyone has or should have the option to live where he/she thinks best and where his/her interests are better protected or where he/she can fulfill his/her life project.

But, in my case, this is one of the issues that has affected me the most because the two most important people in my life decided to leave the country, in search of a better future for their lives and, according to their own words, to be able to help me financially.

As a mother, you always want the best for your children and you break your life for them to have it. It is true that all of us who have children stop being happy so that they can be happy, we take away our health so that they can feel good or we let go of our hope so that they can have it.

But, what I am not prepared for or never prepared for was to see them go away from me. It is true that children take flight and look for a place to nest and form their own family, but, we want them to do it close to us, never so far away.

Now, my two children live far away, in another country. It is true that they call every day and I receive economic help, but, that is not essential for me because I need to have the affection of their lives, to feel the warmth of their bodies, to know that they are by my side, to kiss them, to hug them, to take care of them.

Talking about this subject hurts me a lot, but, the days of their birthdays or Mother's Day is when I most feel the need to have them and I confess that I have been on the verge of going crazy for not having them to give them a birthday kiss.

It is true that money is needed and that the economic conditions are very hard, but I prefer the love of having them close than all the money in the world.

Every day I pray to God for their health and to take care of them, something I have not been able to do for some time. Knowing that they are well at least soothes my soul and talking to them using digital networks is something I value and appreciate very much.

When I have been asked why I entered this ecosystem I always said that filling the void for the absence of my children, being retired and learning in a new experience were the root causes.

Thank you #ladiesofhive for this topic, it hurts, but I get it off my chest.

Key: I used the translator DeepL Translate.
All photos are my property and most of them were taken with my Samsung Galaxy phone.


Hola a todas las mujeres de la comunidad y a los hombres que estén por aquí. Uno de los temas de esta semana me toca bien de cerca porque es una realidad que afecta a toda la familia cubana: La emigración.

La emigración es un proceso que ha ocurrido históricamente y que tiene causas diversas como políticas, religiosas, conflictos bélicos, epidemias o causas económicas.

Considero que es una decisión que tiene cada ser humano y que debe ser respetada porque cada quien tiene o debe tener la opción de vivir donde mejor le parezca y donde sus intereses estén mejor protegidos o pueda cumplir su proyecto de vida.

Pero, en mi caso, este es uno de los temas que más me ha afectado porque las dos personas más importantes de mi vida decidieron salir del país, en busca de un futuro mejor para sus vidas y, según sus propias palabras, para poder ayudarme económicamente.

Como madre, una siempre quiere lo mejor para sus hijos y se rompe la vida para que ellos lo tengan. Es cierto que, todas las que tenemos hijos dejamos de ser felices para que ellos lo sean, nos quitamos la salud, para que ellos se sientan bien o dejamos ir la esperanza para que ellos se apropien de ella.

Pero, para lo que no estoy preparada o nunca me preparé fue para verlos partir lejos de mí. Es cierto que los hijos levantan el vuelo y buscan donde anidar y formar su propia familia, pero, eso deseamos que lo hagan cerca de nosotros, nunca tan lejos.

Ahora, mis dos hijos viven lejos, en otro país. Es cierto que llaman todos los días y recibo ayuda económica, pero, eso para mí no es lo esencial porque necesito tener el cariño de sus vidas, sentir el calor de sus cuerpos, saberlos a mi lado, besarlos, abrazarlos, cuidarlos.

Hablar de este tema me duele mucho, pero, los días de sus cumpleaños o día de las madres es cuando más siento la necesidad de tenerlos y confieso que me he visto a punto de enloquecer por no tenerlos para regalarles un beso de cumpleaños.

Es verdad que el dinero hace falta y que las condiciones económicas están muy duras, pero prefiero el amor de tenerlos cerca que todo el dinero del mundo.

Todos los días le pido a Dios por su salud y que me los cuide, algo que yo no puedo hacer desde hace algún tiempo. Saber que están bien, al menos me tranquiliza el alma y hablar con ellos utilizando las redes digitales es algo que valoro y aprecio mucho.

Cuando me han preguntado por qué entré a este ecosistema siempre dije que llenar el vacío por la ausencia de mis hijos, estar jubilada y aprender en una nueva experiencia eran las causas fundamentales.

Gracias #ladiesofhive por este tema, me duele, pero me desahogo.

Clave: He utilizado el traductor DeepL Translate.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad y la mayoría fueron tiradas con mi teléfono Samsung Galaxy.


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Hello my friend, I hope that things change for the better, and you can reunite with your children, it is a situation that is out of our hands, even when we wish the best for our loved ones, it never stops hurting to have them so far away. , I understand you perfectly. Thank you for participating, hugs, and blessings.


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Thank you. Blessings.

With the way life becoming much harder to afford the though of finding a lifestyle overseas to another country seems more and more logical. I would be sad to see both my Sons look for work far from me in another country. Whatever the case, we hope to remain a lifeline bond to our children no matter where they will chose to be.
Thanks @estelacha ❤️

It is very heartbreaking not to have them close to me, but, for them being young they decided to leave because they had no future here. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment. Blessings

@estelacha dear friend we share the same feeling, there are no words that can express it. A strong and supportive virtual hug🤗🌹

@estelacha querida amiga compartimos el mismo sentimiento, no hay palabras que logren expresarlo. Un fuerte y solidario abrazo virtual🤗🌹

@osismi congratulations for the recognition.
I agree with you that there is nothing that can express what we feel, as our children are not with us. Blessings.

@osismi felicidades por el reconocimiento.
Coincido contigo en que no hay nada que pueda expresar lo que sentimos, pues nuestros hijos no están junto a nosotros. Bendiciones.

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Thanks you. Blessings

I understand the desire to hug and kiss our children. It gives a joy inexplicable. Yeah, we make sacrifices for the secure future of our children.

Hive is an amazing place to find another virtual family. However, it is the truth that nothing can beat the happiness give by physical presence

It is one of the worst things I have ever had to endure and, although I know they are fine, I can't get used to their separation. Thank you for your words. Blessings.

I wish you a reunion with your children

I hope this happens and it is what I wish for the most. Blessings.


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