When dealing with crypto we can't help to check the value of our tokens on a regular basis. For many it's the first task of the day. I consider myself as a holder of tokens but like everybody else, I can't say that when prices go south I'm totally unaffected. A couple of weeks ago I saw the value of my portfolio taking alluring dimensions and today it looks totally different. This takes a toll on our motivation and our energy. The problem is that especially our emotions are triggered by such a situation and emotions are bad for rational decisions.
In such times, it's worth to sit back and try to look at things in a calm and reflected manner before we do things that we may regret later...
How do you react when markets turn south?
The first aspect of bearish markets is that we see the value of our tokens diminish and it hurts. Many among us try to get as much out of it as possible and sell as fast as they can. Thereby they accelerate the blod bath. I learned that markets never go up or down in a single stright line, they ossciliate. Just keeping this in mind helps me to put things in perspective.
One hive = one hive
The price of a token is just one way to evaluate it. Most commonly our tool to measure wealth is fiat money. So if Hive loses value vs the dollar, we might feel bad because we own less value.
However, we shouldn't forget that one hive last week is still the same hive today. The blockchain and the inflation hasn't changed. The development and the community are still the same. For me hive today has still the same value and in a way it's even easier to get some today than it was last week. It's the same for all other currencies out there.
Take the opportunity to fill our bags
I can't help to think that when prices retract, it's an opportunity to collect more tokens. I will get more Hive form my HBD from post rewards and I'm happy about that. I haven't reached the Hive Power I want. It's the same for most of the tokens. If we believe in one currency, then we should profit to fill our bags as much as possible when prices go down.
The most important thing is to keep our emotions in check and to try to put things in perspective in order not to overreact.
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