They Call It Branding

in HiveGhanalast year

After senior high school, I was really active on facebook and made so many friends. We had a WhatsApp group where “we the hyped teens”(don’t laugh) used to chat all the time. We had this thing called last man standing. Meaning the last person to go offline and I dont need to tell you I was the killer for that. When our results came, we wanted to have a sleepover before leaving for school. We had been online friends for a while and wanted to at least see each other for the first time.

The moment the sleepover was mentioned we all had one person in mind because she only posted mansions and big cars. According to her, she was from a rich home and money was never a problem. Finally, we were going to have a sleepover in a mansion and I was so excited.
I was so hyped about the sleepover and very prepared. The funny thing is she was even telling us how her dad was excited to meet us and was putting his international business on hold just to put things in place for us. Wow!You should have seen me at that time: so excited.

A day to the sleepover and she was nowhere to be found.. We called her number so many times, texted her and did everything but couldn’t reach her. I was getting worried because she was also the life of a party which made me start thinking what if something bad happened to her at a party. We actually organized ourselves to visit her. We didn’t know her house but we knew her vicinity and she was popular so we went looking for her with her pictures.

Someone directed us to an uncompleted building and I told the person no, the person we were looking for stayed in a mansion. On a second look, there was a mansion opposite the uncompleted buildingwhich looked like the one in her pictures. I was so sure that was her house so I insisted we checked there. Just when we were about to move to the mansion, this girl came out of the uncompleted building. You should have seen my face. She started explaining before we could even say a word.

It happened that her mom was a cleaner in the mansion and that’s how she had access to the place but she wasn’t from a rich home. Even that uncompleted building was just a gesture from a good samaritan. The problem was that she amassed followers and built an “influencing brand” on facebook from that lifestyle which was getting her influencing gigs so she had to continue living the lie.
I wasn’t even mad about the lies, I was just angry that I actually went with my sleepover bag and had to return it home(don’t laugh).

From that day I just concluded that in this 21st century, if you believe what you see on social media then you’re totally on your own.


😂😂😂I know you said don't laugh but I just couldn't help myself, imagine that kind of situation when the person that claims to live in a mansion suddenly pops out of an uncompleted building 😂

I can't even imagine the reaction on her face the moment she saw you guys.

I said don’t laugh and you’re laughing 🤣🤣🤣

I did even add that she wanted to go back into the house…but we caught her 🤣🤣

I really tried not to laugh but you know this things can be uncontrollable sometimes 😅

I understand 🤣

Didn’t *

She was a good liar, but not as good as she thought. As a matter of fact there's never a good lie, they will just hunt you in the end

And she didn’t even stop afterwards
Just that those who knew the truth knew

Ah, that's sad

Very sad

The last part got
In this 21st century😂 no one should take social media life too serious

You know right

You are at your risk believing what you see on social media


You could have just done the sleepover at the uncompleted building, it's not a luxurious mansion but at least there would be a roof over your head 🤣🤣🤣This is just the sad reality of the world we live in today, people live fake lives on social media and it's safest to not believe whatever is seen online

I said don’t laugh and you’re laughing at me😭🤣🤣
You know right, you believe it at your own risk

We had plenty of them back then in Uni. If you see dem on Instagram then? You will be feeling like your parents are not doing enough until it's exam time, you are in the hall writing and they are running from one office to another looking for officials to beg to stand in for them as surety so they can do I OWE YOU to the school and be allowed to write exams.

I can just imagine
I’ll just be so shocked to see such a person being sacked school fees

😂🤣😂🤣 we always were my dear 🤣


If you're not even careful enough, you might fall into depression considering how they try to pepper every other person that is not in their league, not to think of their "poor shaming habit" while they are the actual definition of poor, broke and proud.

You can’t tell me not to laugh😂😂😂😂😂.
Sleep over in a mansion indeed 😂😂. When I saw the part about her dad putting on hold international business, it didn’t sound right to me at all. In this Ghana, Ei

You know right
But she’s good with the lies so they were really convincing o🤣

Your sleepover bags, you were going to find someone you've been trying to reach and you carried your sleepover bags along 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, I don't believe everything I see online, all these things are to give us the viewers content and something to talk about.

I carried it just in case you know 🤣🤣🤣

Your experience is quite same with mine.
My brother had this rich course mate in school, the day we decided to go visit her at home was something else though she refused to let us know where she lives but then a good samaritan helped us with her location. The day I saw her house I stopped wishing to be like another person and thank God for my own life.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I can imagine

“Don’t laugh”? 😂😂😂😂😂
Abena wants to sleep in a mansion lol😂😂😂.
Hope you didn’t go home that day. As a good you should sleep in the uncompleted building 💔😂

This guy🤣🤣🤣


Wow. Just wow. I cried knowing you went back home with your sleepover bag. Tears...

Do you still talk with this lady? Do you all even still talk now?

I know you didn’t cry🤣🤣
Keep on laughing

We don’t even talk anymore
We’ve all “grown up” and separated

Very funny. I must not fail to commend you guys who cared enough and took it upon yourselves to pay her a visit just to know how she was fairing.

Those who did it because they cared were there
Me I just wanted my sleepover🥹


That's cruel...
How's her brand?

I said don’t laugh so you’re using style to laugh🤣🤣

How’s her brand? I don’t get you

Like is the brand of hers stills going 😂😂😂

Is she still slaying online?😂😂

I don’t know o😂
We stopped talking afterwards

What a smart move


😂😂 how can you tell me not to laugh, miss hyped teen😂.

Tell me why you had your sleepover bag in hand when you were going to look for her 😂. What if she wasn’t well? You should have stayed. 😅

Respect hyped teens okay
Put some respect on my name 😂

I should have stayed where🤣

😂😂 I’ve put the respect on your name. You should have stayed with the faker and let her know no condition is permanent 😂

🤣🤣🤣this guy

This got me laughing really hard 😂😂😂.. don't ever believe what you see online because people can lie!!😂😂
But this Giles lie was just too much naw, ah ah💔.
Honestly I don't see why people would lie about certain things in life just to feel special.
Atleast you went and saw the mansion for yourself😂😂

I did o
I saw the mansion with my eyes🤣

Ehen, that's all that matters 😂😂


This got me rolling on the floor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I mean I have only heard about things like this but never experienced it considering the fact my movement outside home is kinda restricted and to think that you went with your sleeping bag got me laughing harder🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I had to go with it
No chance 😂😂😂

So sorry you had to experience that, someone like will definitely be speechless. I'll just head home without uttering a word, then whine all day about the level of fake life and insincerity on the internet.


You guys should have had a sleepover elsewhere. It's sad that she let things go that far. Surely she knew it would hurt those she was lying to.


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Yeah she knew it

Thank you