After two weeks with shorts and flip-flops, with temperatures hovering 30ºC outside and inside water, with a backpack while hopping in different islands (and countries) in SE Asia, the fun ended today. Coming home is always good, but I wouldn't mind travelling for a few more months.

The last days were spent in a tropical paradise, in a beach that was considered one of the best beaches in the world not long ago. I'm always a bit suspicious about these classifications, but truth be told, the beach is stunning. And I've witnessed some of the best sunsets of my life there.

Doesn't look that bad, does it?
There were a lot more beaches to explore in the tiny island, but I've only saw 2 more, and haven't spent any time there; the charm of the main beach was hard to surpass, and between the travels, and diving, and the coming end to this good life, me and my travel buddies took it very slow these last couple days.
Phillipines hasn't become my favourite asian country, but loved it nevertheless. The sights and experiences left a mark for sure; it kind of baffles me how some people can visit paradises like these and say "meeehhhh... I didn't enjoy it that much" (and trust me, it happens!)

As for me, I don't think I can recall a single country that I haven't enjoyed; and the more I travel, the more I want to grab a backpack, hop on a plain/boat/train/car/donkey, and continue to explore this wonderful world.

There are still so many countries to visit and places to see! I feel so fortunate for what I was able to see so far, and I doubt this will to travel ever goes away. I've unpacked, but my mind is already wondering where to go next... and I can't say there's a shortage of places on my wish list.

Decent posts will likely follow in the coming days, after sorting the 2400 plus photos I took - I'm guessing a good part will be blurry and redundant - but now, time to rest! Crossing fingers that the jetlag doesn't take its toll too much (I was on an 8h difference!), and tomorrow is already a work day.

I suspect the memories that are still so fresh in my head will keep me awake more than the jetlag; I mean, it's hard not to miss stunning white sand beaches, right?
And... have I mentioned the sunsets?

Have a great week!

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