Wow, that's a gorgeous color scheme you've got there 😍!
Every time I share a screenshot with @ecoinstant, he always say something about the pretty colors.
Well, I change them often and I haven't found the right color scheme to fit just perfectly with me. I've tried Gruvbox, Catppuccin, Toyko Night, Nord. And most recently Root Loops.
If you like the colors, there are instructions to use them in various terminal emulators and some apps, as well as just plain JSON if you want to manually do it at the Root Loops Site
What color scheme do you guys usually work with? Catppuccin is pretty, but overused. Nord, honestly pretty but makes my eyes bleed. Tokyo looks a lot like Catppuccin to me, Gruvbox, although can look pretty slick, is too brown.
I've been on the look out for something pretty, let me know if there is one I just maybe haven't run across yet.