Safe is a state of been free from danger right? Irrespective of where you live, a person can determine how safe he/she could be as a result of the places you go, the company you keep, attitude towards other people and lots more. The safety of a country doesn't rely solemnly on the government of a country but her citizens too.
I live in the South -Western part of Nigeria known to be the most peaceful part of my country. As far as you are not been nosy, you really won't have much problem. Nigeria is generally a peaceful country with over 70% of her citizens quite accommodating. Some years back I had the privilege to serve my country after my first degree (NYSC) and I was posted to South East Nigeria (Enugu State) where I did serve for a year.
At first my family was bothered I was going to a part of the country I have never visited before with no family members there. However, I was excited to explore a different part of my country I wasn't familiar with.
That one year of my service was one of my best year. The tranquility of the state was second to know, the people were friendly. I have had the opportunity to visit the Northern part too, it was as well an adventurous experience. I would say my country in accordance with my experience is a safe place to be.
Do you love to be there?
Well, home is home. Having a sense of belonging and comfort with memories hanging everywhere makes it exemptional.
Would you like to recommend it for others?
Why not, Nigeria is Known for its dynamic economy, rich culture, noticable and rare history. It's a vibrant country. Over the years, foreigners have found it enjoyable for tour and commerce.
If you are chanced, where will you like to go?
Who enjoys life without traveling the world? Europe, America, Australia, Asia are all blessed places to be. Nevertheless, I would love to go to Singapore. Living in Singapore is like living in the future. Their advancement in technology is top notch. Am not certain about their flexibility to foreigners since they are just few in population. Singapore is one of those places i will love to be.
Thanks for reading.