feyifavor rebloggedslobberchops in #hive-167922 • 7 months agoAre you on HIVE to Invest or to Milk the Cash Cow?HIVE is different from anywhere else I have seen. Take the traditional stock market, you buy shares and then wait for your dividends which may be paid twice a year or sometimes…feyifavor rebloggedladiesofhive in Archon • 7 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #200W E L C O M E TO THE 200th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST • • • ✿ • • • ✿ • • •feyifavor in #hive-147177 • 7 months agoTye Dye Art for young learners.![1000056844.jpg](feyifavor in #hive-165757 • 7 months agoOvercoming speech delayHello amazing mothers on hive. Am excited to be a member of this impactful community that helps to improve and inspire mother all over the world. In this post am sharing one of the challenges I facedfeyifavor rebloggedladiesofhive in Archon • 7 months agoWINNERS: Ladies of Hive Contest #197The 197th edition of the Ladies of Hive CONTEST has come to a close and winners have been selected! We would like tfeyifavor in Archon • 7 months agoEmbracing Adulthood reality If you ask me, adulthood is completely overwhelming. It comes with numerous and unending responsibilities that drowns you in getting things done for the family, work, community and all. It keeps on lifeyifavor in #hive-197685 • 7 months agoA Banner without stainImage Source Safe is a state of been free from danger right? Irrespective of where you live, a person can determine how