After senior high school, I was really active on facebook and made so many friends. We had a WhatsApp group where “we the hyped teens”(don’t laugh) used to chat all the time. We had this thing called last man standing. Meaning the last person to go offline and I dont need to tell you I was the killer for that. When our results came, we wanted to have a sleepover before leaving for school. We had been online friends for a while and wanted to at least see each other for the first time.
The moment the sleepover was mentioned we all had one person in mind because she only posted mansions and big cars. According to her, she was from a rich home and money was never a problem. Finally, we were going to have a sleepover in a mansion and I was so excited.
I was so hyped about the sleepover and very prepared. The funny thing is she was even telling us how her dad was excited to meet us and was putting his international business on hold just to put things in place for us. Wow!You should have seen me at that time: so excited.
A day to the sleepover and she was nowhere to be found.. We called her number so many times, texted her and did everything but couldn’t reach her. I was getting worried because she was also the life of a party which made me start thinking what if something bad happened to her at a party. We actually organized ourselves to visit her. We didn’t know her house but we knew her vicinity and she was popular so we went looking for her with her pictures.
Someone directed us to an uncompleted building and I told the person no, the person we were looking for stayed in a mansion. On a second look, there was a mansion opposite the uncompleted buildingwhich looked like the one in her pictures. I was so sure that was her house so I insisted we checked there. Just when we were about to move to the mansion, this girl came out of the uncompleted building. You should have seen my face. She started explaining before we could even say a word.
It happened that her mom was a cleaner in the mansion and that’s how she had access to the place but she wasn’t from a rich home. Even that uncompleted building was just a gesture from a good samaritan. The problem was that she amassed followers and built an “influencing brand” on facebook from that lifestyle which was getting her influencing gigs so she had to continue living the lie.
I wasn’t even mad about the lies, I was just angry that I actually went with my sleepover bag and had to return it home(don’t laugh).
From that day I just concluded that in this 21st century, if you believe what you see on social media then you’re totally on your own.