Let's Make A Collage: Theme Contest - The Meaning of Life.

in Let's Make a Collage3 months ago

Hello everyone and warm welcome to my participation in this round of @lmac collage theme contest. The theme of this round is "the meaning of life". This is indeed a nice theme that can be approached from various angles just as it was pointed out in the announcement post. To take part in this round of contest, please have a look at the Announcement Post and familiarise yourself with the contest rules.

On my own part, I decided to approach this theme from the perspective of cycle of life , that is, from the life in general of fowl (poultry).

Here is the collage:

One may ask, which is the father of fowl, is it the cock or the egg? This will be difficult to determine because it is from the egg that a cock comes out from. However, without the cock there won't be an egg! That's how complex the query is gentlemen.

But for the purpose of this collage, I used the cock as the start of the cycle. One can see the brightly coloured cock in a expanded farm. After mating with an available hen, which can also be seen close to the eggs in a nest, the hen produces eggs and hatches them.

Thereafter, after about 21 days, for that is the normal gestation period, the eggs will hatch and break, letting out chicks in the process. If you look closely at the collage, I have also spaced a hatched Egg somewhere which has also broken a bit and letting out a chicken therefrom.

And with that I concluded my collage with the theme: the meaning of life. Hope you followed me through.

To make this collage, @redheadpei provided the needed materials for me to use and they are as follows:

Red Rooster by @redheadpei

White Rooster by @redheadpei


Hatched Egg


Thanks for reading through.