amakauz in #hive-161155 • yesterdayFive Minute Freewrite: Attack of The WobblesSource Max took the cow back to the ranch and kept it in its pen. The next morning, he came out to obseamakauz in #hive-161155 • 2 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Deep groanSource Max, a cattle rearer embarked on the expansion of his ranch. The present citation of his ranch will not be enough for the expansion. He decided to acquire moamakauz in #hive-161155 • 3 days agoWreck - ZAPFICMONDAY 240 CHARACTER STORYSource Alex boarded a wooden boat to ferry him across the Nile. Suddenly the water became tumultuous and everyone was thrown offboard. Fewamakauz in #hive-161155 • 5 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: A New Material Source It was a difficult moment for Jones as he tried to process the whole incident.amakauz in #hive-161155 • 7 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Physical Energy Jones has been way from home for the past decade. He left she shores of his village to look for greener pastures in the city. Now a made man, Jones decided to visit home. His…amakauz in #hive-161155 • 10 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Art of LyingSource The activities of rodents within and around the Boys High School was becoming highly unbearable students were advised to samakauz in #hive-161155 • 11 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: That Sinking Feeling Source It was a cold morning. Kate sat very close to her fireplace thinking aloud. She does not know why thisamakauz in #hive-161155 • 12 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: No TractionSource Ken was late for work. He had overslept the previous night having hung out with his friends who visited from anothamakauz in #hive-161155 • 12 days agoClique: ZapficMonday 50 Words StorySource The Police rounded off the boys as early as 7:00AM. Duke was also arrested and whisked away in their blaamakauz in #hive-161155 • 14 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Lost CourageSource It was the final round of matches in the Golden State League. FC Antel needs a win to escape relegatamakauz in #hive-161155 • 15 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Locked Out of My Account.Source Technology has made to be much more better and easier. You can travel from one continent to another with ease via phone caamakauz in #hive-161155 • 16 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Ear brushSource Katie and her friend Julie decided to walk home after their classes. The weather was very hot for that wamakauz in #hive-161155 • 16 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Not To ScaleSource Emma works in Farmaco Ltd, an animal feed production factory. Their feeds and other allied products are always of the best quality and in great demaamakauz in #hive-161155 • 17 days agoStain - ZAPFICMONDAY 240 CHARACTER STORYSource The wedding was fixamakauz in #hive-161155 • 18 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Equipped For The FutureSource For over a decade now the oil rich communityamakauz in #hive-161155 • 19 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: My Last JobSource The tradefare complex was booming for two weeks. People kept trooping in and out with theamakauz in #hive-161155 • 20 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Over the RidgeSource Few years ago, Jane was hale and hearty. She commands respect wherever she goes. At her place of work, whenever she arrivamakauz in #hive-161155 • 21 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: the FreshmanSource After about two weeks at home Jones knows that he'll soon be back to school. He was treated kindly at home because he is the freshman. But afteamakauz in #hive-161155 • 22 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Talented Idiot.Source Have you seen a musician who plays virtually all musical equipment to the satisfaction of all and yetamakauz in #hive-161155 • 23 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Directory of lost thingsSource Jane was happy that her kids are spending the short break with her although it will impact heavily