Running With The Season. My Saturday Experience on 20th April, 2024

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

A few months ago, we were in the winter or the dry season. Then we had no need going to farms because there was no rain. Instead, we went on scouting, checking out the various plots of lands we have; determining their fertility quotient. To know which part is good for planting which crop. We also selected our viable seedlings in preparation for the season.

The Season Is Here

The rain has come; the season for planting is here. Our daily routines will have another order of priorities. There will be a reordering of the items to accommodate those things that must be attended to at the moment. If you were to ask me of what my own priority is, I would have told you that apart from answering my primary call of duty which is taking care of the church, farming is the first on the list.

A Fulfilled Saturday Experience

I had a wonderful and happy day today because I was in the farm, planting my seeds, removing the wrong ones, and removing the weeds.

I woke up this Saturday morning and had our routine family prayers with my family. Then I immediately left them and tried to get to the farm. Working in the farm is optimal during the early hours of the day when the sun isn't very hot. But most times we could be there doing what we are doing till evening.

Much Pleasantries

On Saturdays, usually the farm is full. This is because being the weekend, many civil servants have that day to do their farm work. I met many friends, colleagues, and the elderly. We greeted ourselves happily and exchanged pleasantries. We even shared ideas and introduced new improved seeds to others. Though who had brought drinking water shared with those who didn't have.

Offering Economic Assistance

There were two of my neighbors who came along and demanded plots to farm and assistance on how they could do it well since they haven't been farming before. I put them through and they started making their farm. The economic condition in the country isn't favorable so, many are opening new ventures to support themselves and their families economically.

The Day Is Done

About 3.00pm in the afternoon, I decided to call it a day on the farm. I stopped for today and headed home. The work hasn't finished, but then we are not going to finish it in one day. We will continue another day as we run along with the season. I will use the remaining part of the day (before sleep finally comes) to do my engagement on the hive blockchain. The first is this my Saturday Experience content.

Thank you for reading my blog, please do check back next time
