Sometimes I have wondered what I would do if I had the opportunity to be born again. Years ago, I used to say to myself: If I were born again with the experience I have, I would do things very differently. I would take care to enjoy my days in a different way, maybe I would be more daring, I would not be as shy as I was at the beginning of this life, I would make the most of the opportunities that came my way; I would take care to prepare myself better in my youth, before getting married and having a family, that would make it different and many more things like these.
My life would be very different because I would see from afar the true feelings of people. Their feelings, because I would know by their actions, I would know how they are; I would not have so many confusions and disappointments with them, because I could appreciate and “see” what is behind their actions, no doubt that would avoid me so many heartbreaks and disappointments. In all areas of my new life, it would be different, only one thing would not change: the desire to form my own family, to have my children and my husband, that would remain, because I know that it is my center in this life and in the other. I was saying all this a few years ago....
But then I understood, as time went by, that I don't need to live another life to do things differently, because I know that maybe I wouldn't make the same mistakes, but I would end up making others; because in the end I am only a human being, with defects and virtues. My essence would not change, of that I am sure; for this life I am what I am and I do not regret the result, because from all this process, in the good and the bad, I have learned to value and enjoy this life, which has been given to me. Greetings, dear friends, until another opportunity!
This is my participation in Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 222, it was a pleasure to be there!

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