It’s been a beautiful 100 weeks of premium content that has been dished on this platform, and thanks to the Featured Edition, there was always something to talk about in the community. 100 weeks is not a joke at all, that’s almost two years' worth of content, steadily delivered from our loving members on a daily basis.
A lot of things have changed since we began this project in Week 1, and now that I think about it, it feels so long ago, as if it belongs to another lifetime entirely. The reason is not farfetched; I remember clearly that when we started this project, I wasn’t even a student, I was still living with my Mom and sister. And now, I’m in my finals and on my own. The vibes now are totally different from what they had been a hundred weeks ago!
So, when I wanted to talk about this topic that was chosen, I decided to go through my folder. Because I’m the kind of person that always saves my work. At least 95% of everything I’ve ever published online is stored on my devices, I just like saving them. I’m not one to delete once it’s published. Thanks to this topic, I decided to go through my folder of published works, and to my shock, I found out that every post I had ever made on Hive had a cumulative size of about 14 MB. Can you imagine just how many documents have to come together to make that amount?
All that amount of documents have been published on Hive, and I’m sure there are more because not everything is stored on my system. I have some on my phone, I have some stored in the cloud and I’m yet to get to them. I’m sure those ones will make up for the other 5% of my posts that are not on my system. But then, out of all that 14mb, a whooping 11mb were posts ever made in Hive Learners! And I’ve got about 735 posts so far. It’s crazy. Although out of that huge number, only 300 posts are Featured Editions!
So, you see why it would be a bit difficult for me to be picky about my posts? There are just so many to choose from and each of the 300 posts I’ve made on FE topics all connected to me in one way or the other, they all resonated with me on a deep level. I guess that’s why I was able to write on them consistently.
But then, some posts will definitely resonate more than others, right? I think I know a few that did it for me.
• The first for me is A Typical Day In My Life. This was one of the earliest FE topics and I remembered how eye-opening it was to me. It made me realize that a lot of the things I did back then really did nothing to move my day forward. And writing about it made me realize that I really needed to sit up, it forced me to improve on my habits and adopt a better daily routine.
• Another post that did it for me is My Weakness Is Not A Minus. This was a post that forced me to look inward and tell myself the truth. Many times, we fail to admit to ourselves that we’re weak in some areas and nothing can be quite as misleading as that because as long as we don’t tell ourselves the truth, we won’t be willing to do what is necessary to get better. In this post, I talked about how my introverted nature was keeping me away from having a social life and how I was willing to begin working on it. It’s good to see that things have improved by now. Not as much as I would have loved, but I’m no longer the person who used to always stay indoors, no matter what.
• And finally, one more post that touched me was Even Good Boys Break The Rules. This one took me down memory lane and back to my secondary school days when I tried to be a daredevil. While writing that, long-forgotten events kept coming up to the point that they were distracting me from staying on the story. It made me realize that I really had a fun time schooling which was not something everyone could say. But then, that one act of breaking a rule made me realize something major about myself. And till today, that lesson still holds.
Of course, there are many posts that have touched my heart deeply, but I’m going to stop here for now. The first two topics I mentioned also turned out to be the hardest for me because the first one was written around the time I just started trying out articles, I was still learning the ropes then. And the second one required me to speak more innately about myself.
Just as a mother would never forget her babies, I can never forget something I’ve written. And I will always remember the impact they had on me. Just by reading a paragraph, the memories will come flooding back and I’ll remember everything I had been feeling at the moment of writing. Like now, I’m feeling a deep sense of nostalgia, which is why I know that maybe in another 100 weeks from now when we’re celebrating another milestone like this, I’ll read this post and remember just how I’m feeling right now.
Happy and proud to be a part of this community.