Saludos lectores y comunidad Insects Of The World. Meses atrás compartí una publicación de este insecto, conocido en mi país como cerbatana, cuyo nombre científico es Mantis religiosa; sin embargo en aquella ocasión les mostré un individuo ya adulto, para hoy les he traído una cría, un bebé de este insecto.
Greetings readers and Insects Of The World community. Months ago I shared a publication about this insect, known in my country as a blowpipe, whose scientific name is Mantis religiosa; however, on that occasion I showed you an adult individual, for today I have brought you a baby of this insect.

I have been finding butterfly wings for two weeks under my trillolit plant (Combretum indicum). This is an indication that in this plant, there is a predator of butterflies. I also believe that this insect has been useful to biocontrol the cottony mealybugs that have been affecting this plant for more than two years, because at the same time as finding the remains of the butterflies, I have also seen that the number of them, (cottony mealybugs), has decreased significantly.

Two days ago I was sitting under my plant, in the internal garden of the house, and a small insect, barely 1 centimeter long, fell on my shoulder, and then it jumped to the back of the chair, and I could observe it better, although it really took me a lot to focus the cell phone camera to take the photos.

This little insect is very curious and restless, and it is a baby mantis. In some photos he seems to turn his head to observe me better. I deduced that it fell from the trillolit plant, so I decided to return it there. Here you can see the size better, compared to my hand and a trillolit flower.

Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share this beautiful and minimal specimen of an insect that can be very useful as a biocontroller. I hope that this family of praying mantises do not prey on the bees that feed on the trillolit flowers. Greetings to all, and remember that insects are very important for life on our planet.

Todas las fotos de este post son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiomi REDMI NOTE 9 A // These photos are my own, and were taken with a Xiomi REDMI NOTE 9 A phone
Los divisores son cortesía de @eve66 quien comparte bellos diseños que embellecen el maquetado de nuestras publicaciones. // The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.

Todo el contenido, excepto los divisores, son de mi propiedad y están sujetos a derechos de autor // All content except the dividers are my property and subject to copyrigh

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