Take The Right Pills

in Reflections11 months ago

My little daughter developed a little fever. I asked the mother if she had given her medicine. There are drugs in the house because of the children. The mother used to buy drugs which she knows that the children will need regularly. Some of those medicines are for fever; some for stomach upset or indigestion; some are for malaria and some are for appetizing.

There are some common illnesses that usually affect children in our community. Malaria is one of them. Malaria is caused by mosquito bites. In the rainy season like we are now, mosquitoes breed a lot. Their population increases significantly and the rate at which children get sick of malaria definitely increases.

Children eat virtually everything that is sweet. They love cookies and candies. Because of the way they eat, they usually fall sick with stomach upset and watery stool. Mothers in our community do not like the pills for treating their children of jedi jedi.

So, while taking a look at the drugs which my wife wanted to give our daughter, a thought came to me: taking the right pills

Life has several illnesses. Just as the human body is sometimes subjected to certain ailments, our lives in other aspects also have some ailments. The question is “Are you taking the right pills?”

If you have financial problems, are you taking the right pills? Do you really recognize that you do have a problem in that direction? You can't solve the money problem tormenting your life if you do not take the right pills.

Some of the pills we could need to cure our mental, social, marital, economical, financial problems, etc could include self-discipline; controlling our tongue; avoiding laziness; shading away some kinds of friends, and so on. Let us wisely take the right pills that are really going to work out our success in life