Namasteš Dear Friends, When i am seeing my childhood time i am getting that i was getting ill very few times not like these days as i am each and every months going to doctor to show to my small kids.
In my childhood there was no fast-food items, that time we were eating fresh and healthy foods. Even street foods were also made from home made items and then vendors were selling at market.
Nowadays we can see fast-food like pizza burger chowmein Momo is available every market and even it it getting delivered within 20 min while giving online order. Most of the kid nowdays loving to have fast-food and even they don't want to eat regular home made foods.
All health issues like fat, cholesterol, sugar, thyroid, hypertension is common issues getting in kids now days. All are coming form the lifestyle or can se these bad food habits.
Last year i visited to the general physician to show him my high cholesterol issue, he prescribed me some high dose medicines and told me that he will later give me lower dose of current given medicine. Mostly these medicines are continue till whole life.
I was worried about it, so finally i went to my family doctor he is living far from my residence, he saw the prescription and other blood tests and he told me that these medicine will harm the health in long term and once started will not stop till life time.
So he advice me that to change my life style and habits. Also he brief me the food which i have to eat and which i have to discard strictly. Some exercise he detailed me to do it on regular basis. Like... 1. Walking 2. 30miniutes regular exercises 3. Yoga
I am following all the advice given by my family doctor and my some ongoing issue went away but it took 6 to seven months. I also done google of all my issues and foods which was suggested.
One thing i understand that. If we do precaution before the the helath issue occurs.
Boday always alrearting us before any health issue coming. So we need to listen these and take precaustionary steps to cure it.
As before i was aware that if i will eat more oily and spice food must be i will face health issues but i never care about it. Now i am complete depend on minimum or non olily food.
So, i urge you all to maintain your healthy lifestyle and make good food habit and you can eat oily food but twice or thrice in a month and make your food less oily and tried to intake more veggies and must avoid fast foods.
Once medication will start it will continue till life end, most of the major lifestyle disease medicine continuing till life end.
So my friend be aware of these things and do exercise daily and have less oily less fat and full of fiber foods. Whenever you will caught by any health issue go to the doctor but not follow blindly his instruction and if possible try alternative medicines like, homeopathy or aurvedic medicines, it will not harm your health and it have power to cure health issues permanently.
Thanks a lot for visiting on my blog and giving your precious time. Inviting two active hivers to know the contest.. @uggya @jmis101
#hive #health-prompt1