in Hive Naijalast year


I remember vivvidly when I was still in secondary school(high schoool), I used to be that kind of person that everyone felt very free to share their problems with. I was like a safe space to many people, and that kind of led to the reason I did not have a clique or a circle back then. I was just that girl that is cool with everyone, but not too close to anyone. I had always being a firm believer that some friendships are just better in disatnce. Towards the end of high school, I did get some few close friends, and we still talk till today.

Fast forward to tertiary institution, that was like a bigger view to life and it was less easier to make friends and gain their trusts unlike before. I am an ambivert, but a very serious extrovert behind my keys. There was this forum all freshers in my university joined on Facebook back then, even before we all resumed. I was quite popular there for my jokes, banters, and engagements. There were even people that knew me that I didn't know. With the help of this forum, I made acquintances and also very good friends that has influenced my life in so much positive ways.

Honestly, I can not precisely say that I have a circle of friends, but I do have friends that we have each other's backs at any time. If I call them and ask them my role in the friendships, I'd most likely be tagged the listener and a shoulder to lean on. I am always ready to listen to their struggles, troubles, and also find a way to provide solutions to them. I really do not like it when people go through hard times, i'm always uncomfortable until it is solved.

So far I am trusted enough by them to pour out their problems to, then half of it is solved already. As for me, it is always hard for me to just trust people and pour my problems out to them, I also always feel as if I am bothering them. However, it comes with ease when it is these friends of mine; Maybe its all about trust--They trusted me and I did the same in return. Lately though, I have been so caught up with a lot of things and might have lost part of my mojo, and also, everyone seems a little distracted right now.

We all just finished school and now getting ready for the next phase of life. Life can get really overwhelming at times and I really do understand that. I just wish that hopefully, we still find a way to keep communicating and keep our friendship intact. Regardless though, they will always be people I can always trust to tell anything about me, and I am sure they also know that I will always be their safe space and a shoulder to lean on at any point in time.

Thank you for reading ❤️


Being the listener in the group gives you an edge in my opinion. You can be able to identify bullshit. From what I have read, you are quite the character - ambiverts are [in my opinion] very fun to be with. When they are your close friends, it brings in a new kind of harmony.

You understand so much! I am so glad you do because many people do not know this. And yes, you are so right, I do find it very easy to detect things.


Those great childhood play moments still make our hearts tickle. Those childhood memories of playing tricks are wonderful. May God bless you always with all abilities. Thank you so much for presenting to us some of those wonderful childhood love stories.